34. Plotted Revenge

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Your hand trembled as you saw the red stain. Your breath hitched as you tried to make sense.

Claude grimaced.

Alarmed you turned around Claude who let out a surprised hiss as your finger traced the red welts on his back

His back was marked with bloody welts all over his pristine white shirt.

What the hell?

You went to remove his shirt when he grabbed your hands, shaking his head, slightly flustered. "It's not as bad as it looks."


Without notice, your eyes welled up, tears forming at the comer of your eyes The wounds on his back, looked painful. So painfully raw and red.

Claude flinched. "Are you... crying?"

"They look so painful. You must be hurting." You sniffed, wiping your eyes with your sleeves.

Caught off guard by your words, Claude blinked, looking rattled. "You're shedding tears for me...? I don't get it. I'm the one hurt so why are you crying?"

You sniffled more, almost like you could feel his pain, and the tears came harder. "But it looks so painful."

Claude made an awkward face, not knowing how to react to your tears.

Felix blanched, gawking at the red welts on his back with wide eyes.

"I'll call Mother to get you bandaged! Please wait here, your Highness!" Felix dashed over to the exit before Claude could stop him. But Claude flicked his wrist, freezing Felix on the spot.

"I'll heal it with magic. Don't go trouble her. She'll worry for no reason. It might look bad but I can bear it."

Felix shook his head stubbornly. "But your Highness, you won't be able to heal it completely. Let the Royal doctor look over it."

Claude shook his head. "No need. Like I said I can bear it. It'll probably heal in a few days so don't worry. And I don't want to give them another reason to look down on me."

Felix bit his lips unable to come up with any protest. "I'll get you a change of clothes then. And some bandages too. Maybe disinfectant too." He mumbled worriedly.

Felix left with his head downcast. Claude let out a sigh looking over you who was still trying to take a glimpse of his tattered back.

Your eyes kept glancing at his back. "How did you get those? I swear whoever it is I'm gonna kick their asses to oblivion!"

Claude for a moment didn't say anything, just stared at you, contemplating, face unreadable.

Just when you thought he wasn't going to share he spoke up in an apathetic, bland voice. "The empress. According to her, my conduct was inappropriate. I wasn't allowed to go to Ruby Palace but I went against the rules anyway to see Mother. She found it despicable that I broke her rule."

His voice remained indifferent throughout his summary. "As my punishment, I got whipped 20 times in front of the servants for my rebellious conduct unfit for Royals as she puts it."

You were speechless.

Before anger slammed into you full force. "W-what?!"

Claude sat on the bed with tattered sheets, his mana at work, healing and patching up his injuries. "I came here because I wanted some time alone. And also to heal me when both you and Felix barged in and found my little hiding spot."

You were fuming, barely listening to his little complaints. "That old hag did that to you?! What?! What the hell is that?! Is that lady out of her mind?! She dared to raise her hand on you?! Why? Isn't that too much for just going to see your mother?"

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now