94. Something Meant To Be

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"Go back."

Lucas furrowed his brows in agitation. "Pardon me?"

Claude didn't reply, he merely turned away from him, ending the conversation right there.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Lucas called out again.

"Your majesty, I'm here to assist you. I might have let my guard down and slipped off a second but it won't happen again."

Claude didn't stop, only bending to pick up Ether.

Lucas's head throbbed at being ignored again. He calm himself and focused on the reason he came here.

'For Athanasia's sake, swallow your pride for her sake,' Lucas muttered to himself mentally.

He tried persuading again. "Your majesty, as you know I'm older and have many years of experience in magic than you and I have knowledge that could help you in your endeavours. So please reconsider your decision."

Claude stopped and laughed coldly as if he found those words entertaining. He turned back, his eyes sharp and condescending.

"You think you know everything when you lived for decades sleeping away, hiding away up in the Tower and never daring to step out in the world?"

Lucas flinched. Despite wanting to refute, somehow his tongue was tied.

Claude smirked at his silence before his face fell flat. "You have taken a liking to my daughter, haven't you?

Lucas pursued his lips, caught off guard. The next instant he ducked as sharp blades of wind slashed overhead him. If he was a second late, he would've been been split in half.

"I'm asking a question. Answer me."

This crazy bastard..!

Lucas cursed and hurriedly opened his mouth, "Yes, your majesty."

Disdain grew on Claude's face. "What impudence. On what basis you think you have the right to dream about my child? You think someone like you deserves her?"

Lucas's eyes flashed, turning a deep red that of a beast whose patience was dangerously close to snapping.

Unbothered by his glare, Claude took a step forward. "You think I'll ever let a prideful coward like you who averted his eyes from the world have my child?"

Lucas couldn't help but take a step back, his cold words stinging painfully.

"Bonds are painful and so are separations. But to avoid hurting, giving up on it entirely, you really are nothing but a foolish child. A conceited prideful fool who can't see his own error."

Lucas burst out laughing at the audacity of this man. Lucas had spent centuries alive but never once he felt a anger so great. So consuming.

His gaze narrowed menacingly. Anger and indignation seared his heart He had to keep reminding himself of Athanasia and how sad she would be if he did give into his impulse and killed her arrogant father.

"You talk about separation and acceptance, then why are you struggling so hard to stop it?" Lucas snapped, his gaze cold and condemning.

Claude lowered his voice and answered slowly, coldly like he was speaking to a tantrum throwing child. "You don't accept everything easily. Shouldn't accept it easily. The choice lies with you and only you. If you want to protect something, you have to do it with you own hands. Instead of running away to hide and throwing a tantrum."

Ether had been forced to endure the childish back and forth finally and finally had enough of the bickering. Jumping between them, he coldly hissed, "You two, stop it. Is it really the time to fight among yourselves when every passing second is precious?"

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