20. The Red Knight

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"What's your name?"

"Felix Robane." Tomato head replied.

"Felix?" Your eyes lit up. "Oh! Your flaming hair does resemble beautiful waves of inferno! Like the wings of a phoenix!"

Felix touched his hair. "My hair makes me look like a phoenix?"


"That's...," Felix was speechless. No one ever told him he looked like a mana beast bird. A mystical one at that.

"Oh, and you also look like a red cardinal! "

"Another bird?"

"Yes, they are one of my favorites. An exceptionally beautiful bird, I tell you. Maybe once summer rolls in, we can spot them around."

"So you're a Knight, right?" You asked and Felix nodded. "You must look so cool swinging a sword."

Your eyes sparkled. Knights were your favorite troupe of all time.

Felix's steps faltered and his face flushed red. "T-thank you.."

You continued when you saw him all flustered. You felt a sadistic pleasure at seeing him at his wit's end. "Oh. You're also a good man with a heart of gold, filled to the brim with deep compassion and kindness! A fine Knight indeed!"

"I think you're taking it too far.." Felix mumbled and stumbled over his feet.

You winced in pity, waiting for the flustered man to gain his footing.

Haha. Maybe you should stop teasing the boy. He looked like he would pass out with any more teasing.

But he was so adorable when flustered.

"So why did you look so down back in the corridor?  Of course, you don't have to answer me if it's a private matter."

Despite his cautious consideration, his grey eyes sparkled with curiosity.

You waved off his concern. "It wasn't anything serious. I was suddenly abandoned by the Knight escorting me. I was a bit upset, that's all."

Felix's response was silence. Under his probing eyes, you felt uncomfortable.

"... I've never seen you around before."

Your tight expression relaxed when he didn't probe for more.

"That's because I'm new here. I'm a Pharmacist and third-rate Mage with a few magic tricks up my sleeves. The Emperor was supposedly impressed with my skills so he brought me here for training. To polish my skills further."

Felix's eyes widened in surprise. "I see. You must be really good if the Emperor himself summoned you."

Or more like he imprisoned you. But you weren't going to unload that on Tomato-head.

"Right. I feel extremely honored."

Your sarcastic remark went over his head and he nodded happily. "It's all because of your skill and hard work that paid off. You should be proud of yourself."

A lovely smile spread across his face like flowers blooming at the sight of the sun.

You were touched by his incredible warmth.

You quickly averted your eyes and lowered your head.

"Are you alright? Your face is getting red." Felix asked in worry. "Is the heat too much for you? We should hurry up then! The place isn't too far away."

You couldn't help but smile at his fretful rant as he fussed over your well-being.

It felt good to be around someone you could trust and probably become friends with.

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