52. Birth of Salvation

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You held Diana's hand tightly, brushed back her sweaty strands from her exhausted face as soft murmurs of encouragement left your lips as she continued to fight through her labor.

She was brought out in the hall, in less confined place so the midwives could help her and you stood beside her feeling helpless and petrified.

Screams tore through Diana's throat and echoed through the palace. Each time you flinched and your hold on her tightened. You frantically tried to calm her down, brushing away her blonde hair, holding her hands tighter.

Until her screams died down and a much softer wail echoed in the room.

Diana collapsed on the bed with a gasp, looking drained and almost lifeless. You almost cried as Diana struggled to keep her eyes open. Your hand trembled in her hands that continued weakening it's hold every second.

A selfish part of you wanted to yell at her to stay. To not go and leave you alone. Leave the baby alone. But you rein it it. Forcing it down. Now wasn't time to burden her with your emotions.

You breathed out, looking at the bundle of joy the midwife handed to you. A baby girl. She was wrapped in soft, fluffy cotton as soft cries left her tiny mouth.

She wa so delicate, so fragile, so small. It brought out your protective instincts. You watched her wonder eyes filled tears as you carefully cradled her in your arms.

"My baby..." Diana called out, her voice was scratchy and hoarse from all the screaming. Weak and tired, as her life rapidly faded.

You smiled sadly and carefully placed the baby beside her.

"A beautiful girl, Diana."

Diana smiled, a smile that only a mother could smile and kissed the baby's forehead and whispered tenderly, "My beautiful Athanasia...."

Athanasia. The one you failed once. And the one you were determined to save this time.

You heavily sucked your breath, willing yourself to not give in to your sorrow and loss. You hands didn't stop trembling, vision blurred as you blinked rapidly, not wanting to miss the last heartwarming moment of mother and child that soon would get separated by life and death.

"Take care of her." Diana eyes found yours in tender way as she smiled at the baby, cooing at her.

Tears brimmed your eyes, lips quivered and yet you gave her the most charming, assuring smile you could muster.

"Rest assured, Diana. No one will love her like I will."

"Thank you..."

Your smile wobbled, faltering as Diana's eyes fluttered close. You leaned forward, taking the baby into your arms and gently pressed a soft kiss on Diana's forehead and whispered softly, "Rest."

Diana's hand went limp in your hold, her breathing stopped along with her heart.

You broke down, crying out sorrowfully. Falling on your knees, clutching the baby close to your chest.

Athanasia as if sensing your pain wailed louder and you wept with her.

The bottled up sorrow and loss violently shook your insides. The pain that you kept forced down came spiralling out into soul-clenching wails. Even the bystanders couldn't help but flinch, looking away from you.

The midwives left with some advices, leaving you to mourn your friend's death while the concubines curious watched from sidelines. They didn't dare to come near you. Even they knew not to intrude on such sentimental moments.

Ether nudged your wet cheeks, whimpering at you. Little whines left his throat as he tried to stop your tears.

Sucking a breath, you snapped out of your sorrow and looked at the baby still crying and wailing for her Mother.

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