93. A Journey And Twisted Destiny

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"You will act as my proxy meanwhile. Do you understand?"

A clear, calm voice cut through the silence of the office and feeling the strong authority in those words, everyone present nodded obediently.

Athanasia, Lucas and Felix were gathered in the office where Claude was explaining his future plan.

Claude lightly tapped his finger on the desk as Athanasia nodded her head in understanding.

The child still looked gloomy and tired and there was hint of awkwardness and restlessness in her posture but she was doing much better than before. Although the whole ordeal before had left her mentally drained, having the truth spilled out in the open must have eased her heavy heart.

It was same for Claude. He was worried how he was going to repent and ask for forgiveness to the child he had wronged. Now his heart felt a little less burdened. Though he still had lot to do to repair their bended bonds, they would work on it once he comes back.

A memory flashed through through his head abruptly and he remembered something you often said to him.

'Not sharing your heart with the people you love before it's too late is the biggest mistake someone can make.' Ironically it was something you failed to practice.

Claude lightly shook his head to focus on the situation at hand.

"Don't overwork yourself. I have selected reliable delegates for you. Make good use of them."

Athanasia thought it was bit harsh to think of the delegates as tool to use but she wasn't naive. She knew her position would bring trouble and she needed to keep everyone in line. She once again nodded.

"Alright. I'll make good use of them."

"You remember everything you learnt from me?"

"Yep." Athanasia said with a hint of exasperation. "Dad, I understand everything, don't worry. You can stop nagging me and go on with your plans."

Claude snorted, feeling strange relief at his daughter blunt disrespect. He turned to Felix.

"Felix, if someone step out of line, take care of them."

"Yes, your majesty." Felix bowed his head with a determined look. "I won't let anyone get away behaving insolently with Princess."


Athanasia shook her head at the scary exchange and decided not to comment.

Claude turned to Lucas and quietly looked at him. Looking into the terribly cold, parched eyes directed at him, Lucas instinctively felt the man did not have a favourable impression of him.

Lucas twisted his lips into a reliable smile. "I'll make sure to help your majesty in your endeavours. Please rely on me."

Claude's cold eyes narrowed in disdain.

Athanasia chimed in with a strained smile. "Dad, Lucas is the famous Black magician. He's powerful. Take him with you."

She already had this conversation with Claude, she wasn't going to let him back away now. Although she had to guilt trip him into letting Lucas accompany him.

Claude sighed and waved his hand dismissively. "Just don't be a nuisance and stay out of my way."

Lucas's lips twitched.



Athanasia huffed and she crossed her arms. "Be nice. You promised me, remember?"

Claude stared at the child after hearing the words laced with deeper meaning. As usual his expression was stoic, so it was impossible for others to tell what he was thinking.

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