69. Fleeting Happiness

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"Handshake, Raven!" Athy giggled, holding out her tiny right. She sat on the carpet infront of the fireplace, looking with bright expectant eyes at Raven. Raven immediately outstretched his tiny paw out, letting out a cute 'woof'

"Good boy!"

You smiled fondly beside her, giving her a thumbs up for her victory. Before you turned your attention to Ether and glared at him.

Somehow while playing with Raven who apparently got attached to you real fast, Athy came up with this idea to train them. Hyped, you quickly joined in on the fun.

Raven was easy to train. Bribe him with chocolate and he'd listened to every instructions. Ether on other hand....

"Urgh! C'mon, Ether put your hand out!" You groaned, shaking your outstretched hand. Ether blankly stared, not moving.

Taking a forced breath, you put on a strained smile. "C'mon, I'd give you chocolate. Your favourite ones! Here, hand shake."

Ether tilted his head and you looked at him with eagerly eyes shining with expectancy only to sigh in disappointment when he turn his back on you and shooshed his tails in disinterest.

"Ugh, stupid Ether." You grabbed him by his scruff, annoyed. "I'm going to give all your favourite chocolate to Raven!"

Ether struggled, flailing his claws threateningly as he let out protesting growls. You just sighed again, shaking your head at him.

Athy giggled at your disheartened expression while Raven made excited noises at the prospect of more chocolates.

Felix watching the whole ordeal chuckled. "I think you're treating him too much like Raven, (Y/n)."

"What's wrong with that?" You asked and Ether glared, flashing his claws as his ears twitched upward. "See! My troublesome cat needs discipline. Look at Raven! He never causes trouble for Athy!"

"That's because Raven is a good boy!" Athy exclaimed, cradling Raven. "Isn't that right, Raven?!"


You poked your pouting cat's cheek. "Why can't you be a good boy, huh?"

Ether whimpered, ears drooping as his big heterochromic eyes blinked sadly.

"Aww, you made him sad, (Y/n)!" Athy said, lightly smacking your arms to emphasize her point.

"Athy, sweetheart, don't fall for his tricks!" You deadpanned, looking pointed at your cat. "You can't guilt trap me with my own tricks, Ether."

Ether immediately grumpily hissed at you and you laughed, scratching his ears as a apology, eliciting soft purrs as he melted into your touch.

"Ether is just like you, (Y/n)!" Athy said, a big smile on her face.

"Eh?" You pulled a face, looking closely at your cat. "Since when I was troublemaker, Athy? You hurt me, sweetheart!" You pinched her cheeks and she let out muffled, "But you are!"

Felix standing guard as always smiled watching both of you interact in such affectionate way.

"Princess, it's about time you go visit His Majesty." Felix said with his usual bright face.

You stopped pinching Athy's cheeks and froze with a stiff smile as your cheeks heated up. A certain area on your left cheek tingled as the reminder of the night few days ago.

Damn you, Felix.

You weren't ready to see Claude again, not without being reminded of the rare once-a-blue-moon smile you saw. The highlight of the night.

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