70. Choice

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You didn't know how to face the situation in front of you.

It's been 2 days since Athy went into a magic-induced coma. No healers or magicians could find a cure for her situation. Apparently, she had too much mana for her small body to handle.

Athanasia wasn't supposed to have magic. She was born magicless so why did Athy have it?

Even you as an experienced Healer couldn't find a solution to it. All you could do was use your own mana core to absorb her unstable, rampant magic and stabilize it before sending it back to her.

It was a temporary solution. Your mana core was too small to permanently absorb her unstable mana. Even before that, her magic wasn't compatible with yours since your magic affinity was linked with healing while hers was a different affinity. Once you wore yourself out, her mana would again flare up with no way to stabilize it. You only hoped before that Claude would find someone.

Athy's pale face, her ragged breathing, and the occasional pained whimpers increased the sense of helplessness.

You covered your face with your palms as a small whimper escaped your throat.

You had gone through so much. Situation that brought you to your knees with your spirit and heart shattered into millions of pieces. You knew the cruelty of life keenly, knew the bitter truth of the tainted world that perpetuated tragedies yet you continued to walk. You staggered through the suffering and survived the heartbreaks all the while holding in the tears. Never once gave in to your despair and darkness because you stubbornly held on to the hope. A hope to see your loved ones happy. To see a bright future that wasn't tainted by pain.

To change the fate that sealed away the future of your loved ones.

But now...

"Oh, Athy.." You whimpered, clutching her small hand as you slowly lower your head on her palm. "What do I do? I don't want to lose you. Not again."

No answer.

I'm going to lose Athy all over again, aren't I?

A heavy feeling crushed your insides. Icy claws gnawing at your heart as a slow numbness started replacing the constant torment raging. The light in your eyes dimmed, taking a lifeless undertone.

There was only so much you could bear before you'd shatter under the despair. And you could feel yourself cracking piece by piece, shattering little by little as all accumulated unspoken despair and hidden pain started taking a toll on you.

"(Y/n)," A hand landed on your head, affectionately patting. The numbness momentarily retreated as you looked up at Felix. "It's going to be fine. His majesty has summoned every competent Healer and magician. Princess will regain her health, please so don't worry."

Felix's voice was soft, reassuring. His big hand was warm as he gently comforted you. Lily nodded from behind him, her eyes were red from crying. At that moment you envied her. She was free to let out her emotions yet you were stuck in a void of numbness, slowly feeling dead inside.

As Felix said, Claude probably was threatening someone outside in the throne room to find a solution.

You forced a smile on your face and Felix relaxed a bit. The moment he turned away your smile died down.

He didn't know what you knew. No one could understand your fear.

You had lost Athanasia once. Had witnessed her death with your own helpless eyes. So naturally, you feared history repeating itself.

Your fear was real. You only hoped it wouldn't come true.


"Throw him in the dungeon."

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now