53. Change Of Plans

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You felt nauseated, eyes blurred with exhaustion as you watched everything go in blur.

Magician arrived to clean the bloody mess their Emperor left behind in fit of rage.

Once done, they took Diana's body with them and quickly left.

You almost protested but you had to remind yourself Claude loved Diana. A lot.

So you choice to trust in Claude's love for her that he would give Diana a proper burial. Ignoring the twist in your guts.

Shortly after the whole terrifying fiasco, Lily and other maids arrived. They were understandably worried, scared and horrified, hearing the recent ruthless massacre done by their Emperor.

"Goodness! You're injuried!"

You were taken aback when Lily fussed over you with tears in her eyes. You didn't expect Lily to get worked up over you some much as she continued to chew you out while eyeing the sharp gashes down your whole body.

Even Ces and Hannah expressed their concern with big comical teary eyes.

Their concern honestly overwhelmed you as they fretted over you while you tried to assure them that you were fine.

But their worry also warmed your heart. You couldn't help the relieved laugh spilling from your worn body. Nobody would really fault you if you decided to do a little celebrate dance.

Afterall you survived the worst and came out unscathed-- well not unscathed given the sharp slashes all over your body but with your limbs intact. That was more than convenient.

Lily blinked at you, bewildered. Why were you laughing after seeing such horrific thing?

Of course they wouldn't understand how much this little survival means to you.

Lily shook her head, her main concern was the gashes all over your body. Lily ordered you to rest while taking Athy in her arms.

"They're just scratches. I'm fine!"

Lily sighed when you tried to wave away her concern but she didn't back down, firmly repeating her orders.

When you sighed in defeat with a exhausted smile, she finally gazed at the infant nestled in her arms, peacefully sleeping away. Instantly she was wonder struck and awed. A tender filled smile blossomed on her lips as she gazed at the beautiful infant.

Even Ces and Hannah took a instant liking to her.

As you watched them cooing at the baby, you knew you did the right choice in not teleporting away right after holding Athy.

Lily and others took care of Diana. They were excited for the baby as much you were. You couldn't just trample over their wishes and walk away without that weighting down your mind.

Yep. They look whipped. You thought, grinning. Athy, you already have them wrapped around you tiny Pinky.

You let out a deep sigh of relief when Ether healed you with his magic while glaring at you. You smiled at him, petting his soft fur to pacify him though that only earned a deep agitated growl from him.

"Oh, goodness look at those beautiful eyes!"

You eyes shot up, hearing Lily's voice. Hastily you leaned over and looked down at Athanasia, ignoring Lily's concerned protest.

Athy finally opened her eyes how can you miss such  moment?

The baby infant blinked her eyes open slowly, her dazzling unique royal eyes becoming visible.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now