16. A Touch Of Horror

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After the museum incident, the whole Judith estate was turned upside down. But they managed to suppress the news of having a mage in their household.

You were interrogated and severely punished for keeping the knowledge of being a mage from them.

And nothing happened for a couple of years.

The two sisters of Judith's family had matured into beautiful women. Penelope had grown into a well-mannered, beautiful lady while her elder sister was already brothel to a Marquis. Their mother was quite proud of the beautiful flowers that bloomed under her care.

She was satisfied to know her youngest was an ambitious woman. That made her all the more alluring.

"Have you heard about (Y/n)?" Penelope asked while having a break from her etiquette and politics lesson.

"What about her?" Rosalia peered at her sister curiously. You had caused so much trouble to them but they had gained a lot from you too. Your abilities have greatly helped their position by securing economic benefits.

"Her dream to travel the world?" Penelope said while stirring her tea. "She doesn't want to become a proper lady nor stay in the manor. Yesterday, she asked her father to set her free. Can you believe it? Her childish dreams are getting out of hand. How long do you think we can keep her under our control?"

Rosalia grimaced.

Penelope sighed. "Her dream is so opposite to mine. So tiny, it's almost laughable. Whereas I desire fame and luxury, she desires to leave it all behind and travel the outside like a commoner. She wants to go back to her old life."

Rosalia took a sip and put down her cup, looking at her sister with a pitying expression. "She has yet to be matured. She's but an immature child at heart, Penelope. She doesn't understand the world like we do. Once she matures out of childishness, she will come to know the appeal of noble life."

"Yes. I hope she matures quickly. Losing such an excellent healer and made would be a great loss to us."

Rosalia picked up her cup and let out a sound of agreement. "I admit she is a disgrace as a lady but her skills in pharmacy and magical abilities are quite extraordinary. It had proved to be extremely helpful."

Recalling the assassin's attempt on them, they both shudder. Penelope grimaced, her complexion paling a bit.

"I remembered the horrid day. If it weren't for her, we'd be dead right now."

In the past few months, there had been numerous assassin attempts on them. Most of them being poisoning. Your skill in herbs and antidotes had proved more than helpful. Something they both are extremely grateful for.

"I don't know why father wouldn't bring the issue to the Emperor. We all know the culprit behind the threats. The House of Wilton disgusts me using such underhanded means." Penelope said, looking upset.

"You must understand, dear sister, it's not that easy. The Emperor is an opportunistic person. He wouldn't lift a finger until we had something to provide for him. And the fact we are hiding an unregistered mage in our household might bring us severe punishment."

Penelope nodded. She was smart enough to grasp the concept. Her older sister was right. Nothing in this world was free. You've to forcefully claim your rights. And that's what she would do, even if it meant to crush others.

"Where do you think she'd be?" Penelope changed the subject and almost rolled her eyes. "Nevermind. I have a good guess. She must be tending her plants plants or sitting on the roof gazing at the birds soaring in the sky. Her obsession with birds is bizarre. She quite strange like that."

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