42. Churning Emotions

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You gazed at him for a moment, his tense posture and twitching hands and wavering blue eyes.

Your chest pounded harder at his words. At the same words you so desperately had been asking him but he ruthlessly tossed them away. Pain bleed through your pores mixing in with your voice.

You scoffed inching away from him, mockingly tilting your head. "You want to talk to me, Your Highness?"

Instantly his face went dark and sullen. "(Y/N)...

You cut him off. "You shouldn't waste your precious time talking to a commoner like me. Afterall you got busy schedule, your Highness you've no time to spare anyone, let alone me; a ordinary insignificant girl."

He lips twitched downward as his blue eyes darkened, emotions swaying within them. You knew how much he hated his Second Prince title. Loathed it.

But the desire to inflict the same pain he gave you was stronger than your consideration for his feelings.

So you basically were twisting a knife into a deep rooted wound. Maybe you'd come to regret it later but for now your hurt blinded you.

"You're really going to make this difficult, huh?" He asked in flatly.

"Hmm. I don't know." You crossed your arms and pretended to think. "Maybe you should've seen this coming when you acted like a complete ass to me."

"Ass. I wasn't that bad, was I?"

"You want me to answer that?" You eyebrows shot up in exasperation. "You know what? You should get going. I don't want to waste Your Highness royal time with my idle chitchat. Yeah, let's just do that."

"I can't. I came here to talk. So at least listen.."

"If it's not important, don't disturb me. Isn't that what you said?" You cut him off with sarcastic smile, using his own cold words. "Don't disturb yourself with such trivial things. Now, shoo, shoo!"

".....It's important."

"For you. Not me, your Highness."

"At least give me a chance--"

"Nope." You looked away from him, gazing at the full moon reflecting on the water surface.

"I'm sorry." His sincerity and genuineness was evident in his voice. Those geniune words were accompanied by a equally genuine expression.

But you were petty and you were deeply hurt. You weren't going to let him off the hook so easily.

You huffed, turning him to give a blank look. "Sorry? Do you think sorry would cut it out for all the silent treatment you gave me. Do you take me for a pushover or punching bag? I won't accept it."

You were being a bit aggressive but he need to know that you weren't some toy he could play and throw away whenever he felt like it.

You shook your head slowly and clenched your fists.  You couldn't do this. You wanted to be alone. His presence was way too painful after your nightmares.

"Please go away, Claude. Don't look at me, don't talk to me, pretend I don't exist; you're pretty good at that. You have Penelope, you don't need me." Your tone dipped in hurt as heat gathered around your eyes. "That's what you were trying to say to me, weren't you? And I get it now. From now on I won't disturb you, so please leave me alone."

"I didn't know you were thinking this way." Claude grimaced, looking sick.

You closed your eyes, pretended that he wasn't there which was hard considering his domineering presence which took dominated the whole place.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now