68. Reminiscing Past

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A icy silence engulfed the room. The question hung in the air, rising the tension.

Claude shifted his eyes away from you. His hold on your hand tightened to the point of hurting. You didn't pull. You knew the moment you let of his hand, he'd become distant and out of reach. You didn't want that.

You were becoming impatient with his silence. There was tangible fear and anger along with disbelief reflected in your eyes.

"Claude?" You pressed on, squeezing his hand which was slightly cold to touch, encouragingly.

Claude pressed his lips into hard line, brows scrunched together in torn expression. Before his expression smoothen out, becoming mask of perfect calmness and disinterest.

"....Why, you say?" Claude tilted his head, a dull cold glint in his blue eyes. "....Hmm. I don't remember. It was long back."

Wha--? You gaped at him. He used dangerous, potentially life threatening  black magic and he doesn't remember?! Bullshit!

You finally snapped. "What do you mean you don't remember?! Black magic, Claude! You used black magic! You're saying you forgot the reason you used it in first place?!"

"Yes." Claude replied with infuriatingly calm, causally cold voice.

Your annoyance rose higher when he didn't bother to look at you. The distant cold look in his eyes only deepened.

"Seriously?" You shrugged off his hand and stood up with agitated, angry expression. "You think I'd eat up your bullshit. Claude, tell me why did you use black magic when you know how dangerous it is!"

You started pacing around the room, tugging at your hair to dispel the mounting frustration and agitation. "Black magic never ends in good, Claude. I thought you knew about it so you banned it in Obelia. But you were using it on yourself all along! You are a smart guy, Claude, then how come you pulled one of the most dumbest shit I've ever seen!" You turned to him and shouted, "Just what the hell you were thinking?!"

Claude remained unfazed, looking indifferent as you raged on him. His cold eyes shone mysteriously as he followed your movements quietly observing you.

Seeing his cool composure, you forced yourself to calm down and quell the fearful agitation and think.

He said he used black magic after Diana's death. Probably he couldn't handle Diana's death and decided to erase his memories and destroy his emotions.

Turning to him, you tentatively asked, "Did you erase all your memories?"

Claude paused, scrutinizing you before he answered warily. "Only of hers."

So your guess was on spot. He erased his memories of Diana to cope up with her death. You felt bittersweet about it.

It pissed you that he planned to erase Diana from his life yet somehow you understood his reasoning too.

You knew the pain of losing loved ones all too well. And the desperation to stop it from tearing you each day.

But for Claude to choice such fatal solution. You were finally realized the extend of his  unpredictability and how potentially dangerous Claude was. For himself and those around him.

A ominous chill ran down your spine as a startling possibility crossed your mind.

Claude used black magic to cope up with Diana's death. Does that mean past Claude had done the same?

You stopped midstep, brows creased together in deep thought. A frantic wave of emotions crashed on you. You throat suddenly felt like sandpaper, dry and scratchy each time you tried to swallow down the fear.

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