47. Betrayal And Consequences

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Claude sluggishly walked while half-heartedly listening Felix rant with exaggerated gestures.

"Your highness, you should look after your health. You don't look fine." Felix exclaimed worriedly as he followed spaced out Claude.

Claude clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Stop nagging me."

Felix persisted and he frowned, glaring at Claude. "Please, your highness. You've been looking awful progressively as days are passing. Your engagement with lady Penelope--"

Felix paused to look curiously at Lawrence who had stand-in duty gazing dazed at the white Tower.

For some reason Lawrence always annoyed Claude and thats what exactly he felt. Maybe his affiliation with you. Claude thought Lawrence was replacing him in your life.

Claude felt even more annoyed seeing his face as he glared at Lawrence before turning away from Felix. "Go join your friend in spacing out like a fool and leave me alone."

Claude left protesting Felix and walked back to his room, slamming it shut.

He looked himself in the mirror and Felix wasn't joking when he said he looked awful. He did look awful if you looked close.

He had sleepless nights since you left. The parting words still engraved in his mind.

'Penelope's cheating on you.'

Was it strange that he didn't want to think about that? But the your face kept haunting him, chasing after him like a bloody hound even though he just wanted to forget it.

He poured himself water and roughly sat down on the sofa. Gulping down the water in one breath before he impulsively tightened his hold until the glass shattered in his hand. He couldn't understand the agitation rising in him. The unrest that he couldn't get rid of.

He had been having violent outbursts ever since he came back from war. It became more frequent after his Mother's death. The violence in him was just getting worse and there was nothing he could do.

He waved his hand and one by one the shards repairing itself until it returned to its former, unscathed self.

He dazedly looked at the glass. The distorted reflection of him stared back at him with cold, lifeless eyes.

"If only repairing things were just as easy." He scoffed to himself.

He walked towards the nightstand and opened a drawer. Inside the drawer lied a single simple blue pendent in shape of teardrop with delicate sliver chain.

'Give this to the person you love the most.' Was what his mother said when he last met her. A last souvenir for him for his bright future. He held on to it. He should've given it to Penelope yet his heart refused to comply to him. It felt wrong to give something this precious to Penelope.

Beside it was a blue brooch. Simple in its design and of moderate size. His finger caressed the cool surface with a wistful face.

'I can't stand by and watch you destroy yourself'

Claude felt his mind was being split into two as your teary yet determined face came before his eyes. He slammed the drawer shut. It was like there was cotton stuffed into his brain. The ever sharp minded, calculative Claude was being swept away in tsunami of emotions.

Claude groaned in frustration, running his hand through his hair in exhaustion. His sleep deprived mind wanted some solace, maybe few hours of sleep.

Of course he couldn't sleep with your face still lingering in his mind.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now