83. Selfishly Selfless Wish

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"Heard you were going away on a journey, Lucas."

You walked in with a casual air. Lucas and Athy stopped fighting and turned to you.

"Milady." Lucas politely greeted.

Athy stared at him with funny eyes. You sat down and took the cookies placed on the table.

"So what are you two up to?"

Athy opened her mouth to reply but Lucas beat her to the punch. "Princess is in denial. She won't admit she'd miss me."

Athy exploded with a red face, "Shut up! Nobody's going to miss a jerk like you! I was just worried about my mana! That's it!"

Lucas rolled his eyes, giving her a flat look. "I told you I took care of it. And if something does occur, your Mom knows what to do."

Athy turned to you and you nodded. "I wasn't training for nothing. I'm here, don't worry. Unless," You wiggled your eyebrows.  "Lucas is right and you'd miss him once he's gone. Is my sweetheart in denial?“

"Mom!! Athy whined.

"Sorry, sorry." You chuckled at her pouty face. "Isn't it time for your tea party, Athy? The  guest must have arrived you should go welcome them."

"Ah," Athy shot up upright. She turned to Lucas with a girl and tried to stomp his feet to no avail.  "Because of you, I got sidetracked! Now I'm late!"

"Don't blame your tardiness on me."

She threw the pillow at his face and stuck out her tongue when he dodged it.

"Be careful." You watched with an amused smile.

Athy scrambled off, throwing you a smile over her shoulder."That's Dad's favourite phrase, Mom. Don't make it yours. Bye!"

You waited until she was out.

"Is there something you want, Milady?"

For a split second, you were surprised. He was looking at you, waiting.

You brushed off your surprise. "So there was something I want to ask."

"Ask away, Mi'lady. There's nothing I can't answer."

Your eyebrows shot up. Arrogance or confidence. You doubted this boy knew the difference between the two. Typical him.

No matter. If he could help you, you'd put up with his attitude for a bit.

"It's about black magic."

"What about black magic?" Lucas asked. It seems the topic had piqued his interest.

"Can one afflicted with black magic since birth can be cleansed?"

Lucas grew silent and narrowed his eyes at you. You kept your expression neutral, not giving away your motive. Lucas frowned, "It's possible but it's risky. For both parties. Affiliation with black magic is already bad enough but being associated with it since birth is asking for death. I strongly advise against associating with such a person. Black magic never ends well."

"Is there a way to reverse the effect or not?" You said.

Lucas muttered something about  Athy's stubbornness stemming from you. You ignored it, looking at him with a dead serious face. Lucas sighed, you swore it was in annoyance. "There is."

You brightened up. "Tell me."

Sighing some more, Lucas explained the whole process in detail. In the end, you were hopeful yet apprehensive. Though the bizarre way he explained was difficult to understand, you grasped the gist. "So she will lose her identity..."

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