四十 | 40

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After a few minutes, Taehyung thinking was interrupted when he heard a knock at his door. Taehyung looked up and saw Jungkook at the door, holding a bowl.

" I finishing cooking your ramen," Jungkook said as he brings the bowl of ramen to him.

Jungkook handed the bowl to Taehyung and sat on Taehyung's bed to see Taehyung's reaction. Taehyung grabbed the chopsticks that were placed in the bowl and took a bite of it. Taehyung's eyes widen after a second of chewing the ramen Jungkook had made. Taehyung quickly placed the bowl on his nightstand when he felt his tastebuds started to burn. He grabbed the water bottle he had on it.

" What happens?" Jungkook asked worried as he watched Taehyung chugging water down his throat. " Was it bad?"

Taehyung placed the water bottle back in the nightstand when he felt his tastebuds not burning as much anymore. Taehyung shocked his head. " Sorry, I can't handle spicy food well," Taehyung explained.

" Oh shit, I didn't know," Jungkook said. " I may have added the whole hot sauce packet in." Jungkook chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. Jungkook stood up from Taehyung's bed.

" It's fine Jungkook, I wasn't that hu-" Taehyung was interrupted by Jungkook.

" I'll go make you another bowl then," Jungkook said as he walked off before Taehyung could say anything.

Taehyung just stared at the door Jungkook had walked through. Taehyung had grabbed his phone and clicked on Jimin's contact name.

Taehyung: Did you tell Jungkook I am sick?

Jimin: Yea why?

Taehyung: He's at my house and cooking ramen for me right now...

Jimin: Oh so that's where he went
Jimin: Oh shit, Mrs. Kim saw me texting
Jimin: Gdjsnakaks bye Tae
Jimin: Feel better Tae love you 😘😘

Taehyung turned off his phone and put it next to him.

Jungkook walked into the room with a new bowl of ramen. " Here you go," Jungkook said as he handed over the bowl to Taehyung. " I didn't add the hot sauce this time."

" Thank you," Taehyung said awkwardly. Jungkook grabbed the bowl that had the spicy ramen and sat on the same spot on Taehyung's bed where he sat before. Jungkook started eating it and Taehyung just stared at him for a second, he then started eating.

They both ate in silence until Jungkook broke it. " I heard you rejected Hoseok," Jungkook said.

Taehyung let out a nervous laugh. " Um, yeah," Taehyung answered awkwardly.

" I thought you liked him or something," Jungkook said before taking another bite of his ramen.

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook with a confused face. " Why would you say that?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung. " The way you guys flirt and touch each other," Jungkook explained. " Everybody thought you guys were dating."

" Really?" Taehyung asked shocked.

Jungkook nodded as he took another bite of ramen. The room was filled with silence once again.

Now it was Taehyung's turn to break the awkward silences between them. " Do you still like Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

All Taehyung wanted was answers. He wanted to know if Jungkook was using him again or was he trying to actually befriend him. He didn't want to experience another heartbreak like that ever again. It felt horrible.

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