四十九 | 49

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Taehyung stared at Jungkook's sleeping face and then back at Nayeon. He then turned to look at Hoseok and Yoongi faces and saw regret written on their faces. Tears started to form and Taehyung walked out of the room without saying a word.

"He begs me to give him another chance and turns out he has a girlfriend this whole time." Taehyung angrily mumbled to himself. Taehyung couldn't be explained how he felt at the very moment. He felt betrayed and sad, but angry enough to beat up someone. Taehyung made it to the front of the elevator and forcefully push the button. The elevator door didn't open yet and Taehyung was already impatient.

" Stupid Jungkook. Stupid Jungkook. Stupid Jungkook. Stupid Jungkook." Taehyung muttered to himself as he aggressively and repeatedly presses the button in front of him. Taehyung stopped pressing when he saw the elevator door opened. " Finally," Taehyung said to himself.

Taehyung press the lobby button and the door was about to close but an arm stopped the door to close. The door opened again and Hoseok quickly walked in. There was an awkward silence in the tiny room except for the elevator door closing.

" You and Yoongi knew didn't you?" Taehyung asked with a bit of bitterness in his tone.

" Look Tae, I know this seems bad but-" Hoseok tried to reason out with Taehyung but got interrupted.

" BUT WHAT!" Taehyung yelled angrily at Hoseok. " It just so happens that he chased after Jimin and then me and he has a girlfriend this entire time?" Taehyung said asked sarcastically.

" Tae, it's comp-"

" And worst of all, you and Yoongi knew about it and didn't tell me," Taehyung said in a sad tone. " I just found out three people I consider friends stab me in the back." Taehyung said to himself as he slipped down the elevator wall against his back as tears started escaping from his eyes.

" Tae, we didn't mean to hurt you." Hoseok sat next to Taehyung and placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. " It's just complicated, but I can ensure you that Jungkook doesn't have any feeling toward Nayeon."

" Then why is she his girlfriend?" Taehyung asked as he wiped away his tears. " Why he didn't tell me?"

Hoseok let out a sigh and started to softly rub Taehyung's back in a circular motion. " I would tell you why, but it's something personal to Jungkook and I think it's best if he told you instead," Hoseok said.

Taehyung stuffed his face into his hands and let out a frustrating groan. " I just came here to check if he's ok, but this happens instead."

" He's fine, he just got into a car accident. Just a broken arm and a rib." Hoseok ensured Taehyung. " But I think it's best if you go home now, it's already late," Hoseok said.

Taehyung nodded and got back up. " Thank you Hobi," Taehyung said as he watches the elevator door opens and walked out of it without looking back at Hoseok.

Hoseok let of a pitying sigh for Taehyung and press on level 4, heading back up to Jungkook's room.

Taehyung was walking out of the hospital but met with Namjoon at the door. " You done already?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung nodded, answering Namjoon's question. " Are you sure? We just got here."

" Yea, I'm sure," Taehyung said and gave Namjoon a small smile. " He's fine, he just got into a car accident."

Namjoon nodded. " Ok then, let's go home," Namjoon said. " Jin must be a worry."

Hoseok went back into Jungkook's hospital room and sat next to Yoongi on the couch. They both looked over at Jungkook's sleeping face and Yoongi asked, " How was it with Taehyung?"

" He was upset for sure but I told him that Jungkook is ok and she is nothing," Hoseok whispered the last part to Yoongi, making sure Nayeon or Jungkook's parents can hear them.

" Where did that boy that walked out went?" Jungkook's mom asked.

" Umm, he walked into the wrong room?" Hoseok said an excuse but it came out more like a question.

Yoongi elbow Hoseok on his side and mouthed ' seriously' and glance at Hoseok.

" So Nayeon, how is your and Jungkook's relationship going?" Jungkook's mom asked Nayeon sweetly.

" It's going great Mrs. Jeon," Nayeon answered happily. " He even brought me this bracelet," Nayeon said as she holds out her wrist and shows off a bracelet on it.

" Wow, he certainly got his great taste form-" A loud ringtone interrupted Mrs. Jeon and everyone looks over at Yoongi, except Jungkook.

" Sorry, Jimin is calling," Yoongi said as he got up and was about to walk out of the room, but stopped when Jungkook's dad asked him a question.

" Is that your girlfriend?" Mr. Jeon asked.

Yoongi slowly turned around, glancing at Hoseok and back at Mr. Jeon. " You can say that." Yoongi lied, not wanting to start any drama in the hospital room, and walked out of the room to answer Jimin.

Mrs. Jeon was on her phone and let out a disgusted sound. " I swear all these pride things is going out of hand." She said as she showed her husband.

" Don't look at those sinners, they deserve to go to hell." Mr. Jeon said and Mrs. Jeon nodded, agreeing with her husband.

Hoseok just sits there, uncomfortably, and was just hoping Jungkook will wake up soon and explain to Taehyung.
Sorry for not updating yesterday. I was busy and tired and fell asleep early.

 I was busy and tired and fell asleep early

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