四十八 | 48

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Then next thing Namjoon knew that he was forced out of his bed and suddenly driving Taehyung to the hospital. He had told Jin to stay in bed and go back to sleep since he came home late.

Namjoon was half asleep and trying to pay attention to the road as he drives. He glances over at Taehyung and he could tell he was nervous and worry about Jungkook.

Taehyung was looking at the window in tears, hoping that Jungkook isn't in bad condition. Taehyung didn't get much information from Hoseok since Hoseok called Taehyung right after he told him that Jungkook is in the hospital by Yoongi.

A sob escaped from his lips as he couldn't hold it in anymore. Not knowing what happen to Jungkook and how major his condition is made him more worry and stress.

" I'm sure he will be ok," Namjoon said trying to comfort Taehyung. " He a tough boy."

" But what if he's not ok? What if he's badly injured or has some deadly disease?" Taehyung asked and started to panic. " What if h-"

" Taehyung." Namjoon interrupted Taehyung, to make him stop talking. " I'm sure it's nothing serious. He was alright when he dropped you off."

"I'm scared though," Taehyung said as he wiped his tears with his arm.

" I know you are and I am too but I'm sure he is alright," Namjoon said as he drove through the hospital , Jungkook's is supposedly at, gate. Namjoon stopped the car right outside in front of the entrances.

Taehyung quickly hopped out of the car and ran inside the hospital without saying anything to Namjoon. Namjoon quickly drove off to look for a parking so he won't disturb any cars behind him.

Taehyung ran to the front desk and stop while he was breathing heavily. " J-Jeon Jungkook's r-room please," Taehyung said as he tried to catch his breath.

" I need you to signed this sheet before going." The woman said to Taehyung as she slides a visitor sign-in sheet.

Taehyung grabbed the first pen he saw and quickly filled in his information without hesitation. When he was done, he gave it back to the office woman. " What room is he in?" Taehyung asked.

The woman went through her computer and answered, " He is on floor 4 and in room 294." She answers as she gave Taehyung a visitor sticker and he basically just slapped it on.

Taehyung quickly speed walked, finally decided not to run since he is in a hospital and doesn't want to run into people and make them more injured. Taehyung quickly walked into the elevator and pressed the button that had the four on it.

The elevator door was about to close, but he heard a girl's voice called out to him.

" Wait!" The girl yelled across the hall.

Taehyung pressed the button that opens the door and impatiently waits for the girl to get into the elevator. The girl finally gets on the elevator and was about to press the floor number she needed to go on.

" Oh looks like we're going to the same floor." The girl said as she laughed.

Taehyung just glanced over at her, not in the mood for joking with her. He was more focused on Jungkook.

" My name is Nayeon." The girl said to Taehyung. " Who are you visiting?" Nayeon asked Taehyung as she looked at Taehyung's shirt with a visitor sticker.

" A friend." Taehyung blankly answers, not wanting to talk to the girl.

" Oh well, I'm here to visit my boyfriend." Nayeon started talking. " He got into a car accident actually, hopefully, it didn't ruin his face though."

Taehyung cringed at Nayeon's last statement, silently judging her. Nayeon kept talking and Taehyung swear that was the longest elevator ride he ever took. He watches Nayeon walked out before him and he started looking for Jungkook's room.

As Taehyung continued getting closer to Jungkook's room, he noticed he was behind Nayeon. He watches Nayeon walked into a room and he froze when he saw the room number. 294.

I'm here to visit my boyfriend.

I'm here to visit my boyfriend.

I'm here to visit my boyfriend.

Nayeon's voice echoed in his mind as he felt betrayed and heartbroken. Taehyung decided to walk into the room, just to make sure it's not some misunderstanding. He knocks on the door and heard a quiet ' come in.'

Taehyung walked in and first saw Hoseok and Yoongi looking uncomfortable or bothered. He then saw Jungkook on the hospital bed and with Nayeon clinging on the side. On the other side of the bed was an adult man and woman standing. Taehyung guessed that they were Jungkook parents since the woman looks like Jungkook.

" Oh, I didn't know you were my boyfriend's friend," Nayeon said.


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