♛Chapter 107♛

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Saiki could have sworn, in the corner of his eyes that he saw the Host Club pressed against the window, watching the red convertible leave

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Saiki could have sworn, in the corner of his eyes that he saw the Host Club pressed against the window, watching the red convertible leave. Luckily he couldn't make sure of it and made no effort to look outside to prove his thoughts, and then, only mere moments later, their thoughts were completely dimmed from his head.

"Lady Eclair," Kusuke started up the tight conversation, Kusuke liked making people shift in their seats, showed him how much power he had over them. Unforunelty to Kusuo, Lady Tonnerre didn't shift in her seat. Rather look up at him.

"Mr. Saiki."

"Doctor." he was quick to correct still smiling. They were sitting across from each other, but neither paid minds to the other host, both staring out the window, paying attention to no one.

"You're right." Lady Eclair forced a tight, clearly fake smile on her face, "It must have slipped my mind--,"

"Well then make sure next time it doesn't," the awkward and heavily emotional tension in the air only grew as Tonnerre and the eldest Saiki spoke to one another, clearly in such of lack of emotion someone could think they never had an ounce of good emotion, to begin with.

As the two continued their tight conversation, Eclair finally had enough of Kusuke and started speaking to Tamaki. "What's the matter Tamaki?" she asked, Saiki, paid no mind as he stared out of the convertible, resting his arm on the armrest. "You haven't said a word since we've left, you're a host aren't you?" she asked like she hadn't just taken that away from him too.

"Come on, won't you entertain me?"

But instead of entertaining, he asked her a question. "I have a question for you," he spoke, "Are you sure about this, will you even be happily married to me?" he asked, a very civil question, "Or are you just following orders?"

Eclair didn't respond back immediately, but that didn't matter to Saiki.

'I must get him back! Back to Ouran' a thought came through that wasn't anyone in the cars. It was a familiar host, two actually. Perking up he looked around, they weren't on the road, unable to get a car, but they were near, he was sure, he just picked up on their thoughts, and as they heard a bump on the road, neither Tamaki nor Saiki needed a response.

It was the hosts. Coming for them, "Haruhi and--," he was happy and then surprised, but before he could finish his sentence, he had to ask first of their shenanigans. "What are you doing?"

And as Tamaki called out for them, you could see the life drain from Eclair, surprised that a girl could go to such lengths for another.

"That's dangerous! You must stop the carriage both of you! Now!" but neither of the rescuer hosts paid mind to his commands.

"Please, come back to Ouran!" she begged of him, as the carriage began to swerve from the horses natural dodging the car, and beginning to tire out but forced to keep fast to stay in place with the car.

"I mean it you must stop the carriage! At once!"

"We'll all be completely lost without the two of you!" she begged, she paid attention to the street the other host kept his eyes on the road with the occasional glance to Saiki. Who just sat there looking at the host in complete awe. Saiki had to hold himself back from just jumping onto the swerving carriage.

Kusuke was clearly tired of it. But no one paid him any mind either way.

"But they-- they all said they were put out by the Host Club," Tamaki said, likely close to crying.

'Why would they want anything to do with me?'

"You really are an idiot!" she yelled at him, "What's wrong with you? After all this time we've been together, you still can't tell when we're joking and when we're serious."

Saiki stood up in the car, Kusuke had made to attempt to stop him. He could just tell the car to stop, and pick Saiki back and take him to Europe.

"We all love being in the Host Club, we really do, even me! I love being a part of the Host Club too!" and with that, she reached out a hand calling Tamaki to her. Like under a spell, he took her hand, Haruhi then took control of the reins.

"You too Saiki!" he was called for, and just like Tamaki he reached for the outstretched hand, but before he left he looked at Eclair and warned her.

"You won't ever be happy, not with or without Tamaki, or in France or Japan. You're just ruining your own name and life at this point."

He heard Tamaki and Haruhi scream from the bounce the Harrage just took with the side of the bridge and knowing it was either now or never. Saiki jumped into the tipping carriage, grabbing the hand that was extended to him.

Grabbing the hand, the carriage had been served to the side. Making the one giving out his hand trip and fall back off the carriage, though the two didn't stop holding hands as they fell off the bridge they held strong with each other as they fell. Saiki didn't miss the tear that fell down Eclair's face.


As they fell, neither of them hit the sharp waters, and everything at that moment had just stopped. Kyoya's eyes were closed as he was going to be the first to hit the waters that were mere inches away from his tailcoat, it took him around two extra seconds to peel his eyes open and look ahead of him.

Greeted with a smiling face of Saiki's neither said a word even after the carriage on land took to a complete and safe halt with Tamaki and Haruhi being perfectly fine. The car however didn't stop, Saiki had finished his task, he knew Eclair was crying at the moment, Kusuke inhaling the sweet scent of karma.

Holding onto Kyoya's hand, he broke the silence.

"Will you be coming back to the Host Club?"

the Psychic smiled, "I'll make sure of it."

Now finally hitting the water, neither let go of the other's hand.

(Wanted Saiki's and Kyoya's moment, like the final scene of Ponyo.)

(Happy endings!)

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