♛Chapter 65♛

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Made by @KoalaNeko
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Saiki went back to school that week, and to his surprise, no one said mostly anything about the trip, as if something bad had happened even when Saiki wasn't there, making his day off to save the world almost useless, with the embarrassment of Oot...

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Saiki went back to school that week, and to his surprise, no one said mostly anything about the trip, as if something bad had happened even when Saiki wasn't there, making his day off to save the world almost useless, with the embarrassment of Ootori thinking Saiki was on his period. It wasn't the fact that Ootori thinking Saiki may be a girl was a problem, no that didn't matter to him at all, what he cared about was that Saiki dug his own grave without realizing it until the last moment where he had to play it off.

"Why are classes canceled today?" Saiki pushed in his chair and asked Goda, a faithful customer, who after blushing finally chose to explain what was going on with all the classes, which were canceled this afternoon. Saiki wasn't surprised that he didn't know, the Host Club barely told him anything that didn't relate to the club, they barely even talked outside of the club room. Not like Saiki minded that, it was just annoying as Suoh would attempt to pass him notes but would be ignored by Ootori and Saiki alike, as they paid attention to the teacher up at the front of the class.

"Oh!" Goda almost had passed out, "I'm surprised no one has told you yet, until now." she said, as to try and start a small talk, as Ootori stood next to Saiki as he also listened to what the girls were saying, but was bound to say nothing since he already knew what was going on. (What a surprise) "It's going to start to get crazy around here for the next two days!"

Are delinquents coming to the school and breaking everything-- or are we getting a new coffee jello machine that I have to push my way to get to!? That last thought made Saiki exited, and as he held in his joyfulness he was told the actual news.

"Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs," Goda said happily.

Oh... how boring.

"Drama and choir clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited." Saiki winced slightly, but even though Goda saw it she didn't bother to question it, thinking that commoners have no sense of culture, that lies outside of ramen noodles and park festivals.

That might be true... but hey!

"It's a big event the school hosts annually." Watanabe came up, as she gave a small smile to Saiki and completely ignored Ootori who seemed taken aback by that behavior, but chose not to say anything, in fear of losing a frequent customer that always tips the hosts extra for giving her alone time with Saiki. (It was boring, not to mention annoying)

"Is that so?" Saiki muttered, but Saiki's face was not in awestruck at this information, but trying to be a nice-ish person. Saiki was thinking that he should miss an entire episode all over again but thought against it. The book would be shorter and gain less popularity for the aspiring author, and that wouldn't be tres bien.

"Yes," Ootori said pushing up his glasses, "I planned on telling you when we went to the beach but..." he drifted off and coughed bitterly into his hand. That Kuboyasu boy. "You seemed to have other problems to worry about." Saiki didn't do any sort of movement, as he thanked Goda and went his way until a hand fell on his shoulders.

"We have seemed to run out of coffee," Ootori said to Saiki, who picked his long fingers from his shoulder in disgust, "Go get us some..." he leaned towards Saiki's ear, "...Little helper,"

So I've been demoted again. Was Saiki's thoughts as he stepped forward, away from Ootori who handed him the money, and began to head towards the exit of the school for some instant coffee.

Then it struck him if all afternoons were canceled for the next two days... that meant... no baking course! The soul left his body, as girls screamed for help.

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Saiki began to walk out the door, only to be met with Haruhi, who seemed more surprised than he was. "Oh Saiki-senpai!" she called out his name like it meant something to her, "Are you going to get coffee for the club as well?" she asked, Saiki gave her a brief nod.

"Let's go together then!" she gave him a bright smile, which Saiki knew better than to return, as he began to walk forward, with Haruhi tagging along behind him.

Saiki was pleased to say that he found some awfully good deals, that he and Haruhi indulged in. Last time he went to this shop he had a run-in with Haruhi's dad, and Rean Kuboyasu, but now that he was with Haruhi in their uniform, there were people repellent every step he took. It was quite pleasing.

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With two bags of instant coffee, Saiki holding one and Haruhi holding another. They peacefully made their way back to school before anything too extravagant happened, Haruhi was scared she'll miss it, but Saiki couldn't care less, but knew if he wanted Haruhi off his back they'd need to make it on time.

Out of the blue, a monkey came out of nowhere and threw a banana, Saiki stepped back to avoid it but Haruhi was the one to slip on it, Saiki would've continued to walk if those damned monkeys (that came out of nowhere) continued to throw banana peels until he slipped which is what eventually happened.

But he didn't hit the ground, neither did Haruhi as no thump or groan went out, but he didn't use his powers... so what happened?

Opening up his eyes, he and Haruhi were being held in the arms of a girl who was not wearing the mushroom yellow dress of the Ouran Academy uniform, so it was likely she was a part of the culture festival.

There goes my peaceful trip.

He and Haruhi were set down on the floor, as their 'savior' began to talk to them. Saiki wanted to leave, but he at least had to thank her.

"It'd be an absolute shame for any hard to come to that cute face of yours." she was speaking to Haruhi, then she looked at Saiki darkly, like his tripping was worse than Haruhi's tripping.

"You! Are you a boy or a girl?" she was quick to question, so Saiki should have been quick to answer.

He wasn't sure about what to say, and he didn't really care if anyone saw him as a boy or a girl, so he said the one thing that made sense to him.

"Yes." the girl looked at Saiki, up and down and up and down, as she brought out the same academy uniform from behind her back.

"So wear this!" it was awfully pretty, Saiki had to say, but if she was testing him to see if he was a 'yes' Saiki was going to pass this test, as he took the skirt and blouse, and was about to stand up before being pushed to the ground again and the lady who helped them gave him and Haruhi two separate but equally nice smiles, as she stood up and walked away with the swoosh of her hair, leaving a questionable Saiki and Haruhi behind.

"So... you gonna wear that?" Haruhi pointed to the skirt, Saiki looked at the nice cloth itself, it did feel a lot nicer than the hot Ouran Uniform.

Saiki nodded. "Yeah..."

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