♛Chapter 104♛

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It seems like what Saiki did was the best idea. The host didn't run after him nor did they send Haruhi to find him. He was finally left alone. So why did he feel the need to ruin his perfectly good quiet and go looking for Kasanoda. This 'peace-and-quiet' think had become rarer by the second, so what did he do with this 'rare' time he had on his hands. Ruin in, bomb it. Oh, how disappointed he was in himself.

"No, no--," Kasanoda waved his arms around, his face was once again red. "It wasn't your fault, I understand how your club must be, I don't blame you at all!" he said.

Okay, wrap up this ending. I want to get started with the new episode. The faster I go through episodes the faster the season is over, the faster I don't need to deal with the host club anymore, and go back to my normal life at P.K Academy.

"I just--" he smiled at Saiki, "Let's just hang out sometime, okay?" he seemed to drop the fact that he wanted to go out with Saiki.

Knowing the boy tried his best to keep his emotions down, Saiki pitted him, and chose to agree.

"Let's catch up over some coffee sometime."

The commoner's way to never seeing someone again. Ritsu smiled and nodded. His limo was here, and he needed to get going. Waving Saiki off, they began the next episode.

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Skipping over an episode, Saiki was walking back to the host club for the second to last time (Until the end of the season of course). "So this whole 'school fair' thing?" Saiki walked with Haruhi towards the general host club direction. It had been pretty busy all day, and in-class Suoh couldn't stop pestering Saiki about it. How wonderful it would be, how extra it would be, how it would be great, and all that jazz. Saiki wasn't having it.

It was extra, meaning extra chaos. Plus the way Suoh talked about it so happily, he was on the verge to jinx himself, if he hasn't done so already.

"Right?" Haruhi laughed. "I guess that's special about Ouran, there's always something big going on at some point." she seemed more excited than Saiki was. He could just feel that something bad was going to happen, he didn't know what, but he knew it was something.

Damn this would be a great time to call up Mikoto. he thought just as a just-in-case, but he chose not to bother with it. It would just be another headache, plus, it's not like he couldn't fix this problem with his psychic abilities. He'd figure something out.

"But I must say," Haruhi said tiredly as she saw construction workers go around at student's commands. "I kinda thought school fairs were about the students showcasing the unique things that they've made by hand."

"I'd take advantage of this," Saiki told her, "No one wants to see a featuring of 10,000 paper cranes or pretty weirdly shaped rocks."

"Huh?" she asked, but Saiki didn't respond. He shivered, the trauma that came with his was impeccable. He can still hear Hairo's cheers in his head. Horrible.

"That might be for a mere average school." Ootori walked up to them to Haruhi's original question. With so many people around Saiki didn't notice the Shadow King behind them.

"Were you stalking our conversation?" in the last few days. Saiki had a bit of trouble talking to Ootori after complaining to him that he acted like a jealous boyfriend. Now all they spoke to one another, was Saiki directing insults at him. Ootori usually didn't respond or just wasn't fazed at all.

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