♛Chapter 3♛

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Saiki woke up bright and early on Saturday, and to say the least, he hated it

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Saiki woke up bright and early on Saturday, and to say the least, he hated it. The one weekend he wasn't annoyed by his school mates was one weekend where he had to take a huge test that could lead him into a class with a bunch of filthy rich bastards, but the effect excluding that half would be even greater. He could bake his own cakes, crepes, mochi, and anything else of his heart's desires, with no microwaves to explode on him, or people to eat his batter (Not to mention the savory crêpes... "Ew").

Saiki sighed and rolled off the bed hitting his feet to the ground first, he skipped out on taking a shower, but then thought against it, he was going to meet people that were rich and famous, but yet again he didn't care about who they were, and just cared about what they could give him. Though Saiki chose to look presentable that day as he walked into his bathroom and turned on the water that sprayed from the top.

Stepping in Saiki changed his body temperature so he wouldn't have to move his hands to do it manually. He rubbed in soap and shampoo and as quickly, and as quickly he got into the shower he got out as well, drying himself off with his pyrokinesis and getting into what 'Plebians' think is nice. Saiki put on a white button-up shirt and a grey sweater-vest his mother oh-so kindly made for him and chose to wear jeans with it all.

Saiki walked downstairs, so he could take the metro the most common way of transportation in Japan if you couldn't walk or bike. "Kusuo, why are you up so early?" his father-Kuniharu asked as he lowered the daily paper to find some interesting gossip coming from the Western Hemisphere ("Don't judge Kusuo! The Americans have a good way of attracting readers!") . Saiki walked into the kitchen then came out quickly with a cup of hot water mixed with instant coffee.

"I got the email to test into Ouran," he sipped the coffee and let it burn his insides before it finally set in his stomach, and as fast as that sentence was said, his mother instantly came down with her camera. "Oh, really Kuu?" she began to sob, "I'm so proud of you, and even if you don't get in we love you anyway," she held his hand.

"But we'll love you even more if you get in," Kuniharu commented, but was rightfully ignored.

Saiki nodded to his mother, as he took his hands off of hers and practically inhaled the remaining hot coffee, whipping his face with a napkin, that the then levitated into the kitchen with his cup, he stood up as he was held down by his mother as she parted his hair more to the side.

"Good luck, Kuu." she walked him to the front door where he put on a pair of black shoes. "And remember do not manipulate them, do not set the school on fire, and at least try not to kill them," Kurumi said as she waved goodbye and shut the door. Saiki with his train pass entered the station without any hesitation, though a few girls did look at him as they looked about how handsome Saiki was looking that fair day.

Though Saiki eyed the girls off and entered his train where he took a standing spot near the door as he grabbed onto one of the objects that hung off the train ceiling. With a long and annoying thirty-minute train ride making him regret not teleporting, the train stopped into another station with a ten-minute walk to the school.

Saiki left the train station, he had a pit-nervous feeling in his stomach for taking the test, but he brushed it off, even if he didn't know the answer he could find it online using clairvoyance, use telepathy, and many many more back-up plans all could work, and without a trace of evidence, a perfect plan that could get him away with murder.

Saiki walked through the tall metal gates that in front held a fountain of clear water and lilypads with light pink flowers. The school. Was pink. Saiki felt a little annoyed already and headed to the school were between different twists and turns in the empty hallway found (finally) the front office.

He walked up to the lady at the desk taking phone calls. She only looked up at him, "Taking the test?" she asked, Saiki nodded, and she pointed down the hallway into a grand courtyard with a view of the clock tower, "Go outside and then turn to your left," she said. Saiki nodded, disliking her completely, and walked outside. Where he did as what he was told and turned to his left, opening the door he was met with the principal who was sitting on a chair.

"Taking the test today?" he asked as he stood up and walked towards Saiki, he nodded, "Alright, you're a little late in the school year, but we can make it work out since you placed connections," he handed Saiki a paper. "Fill in all your connections and we'll take your test from there," he spoke and directed Saiki to the large wooden table, that only had two sharpened pencils with erasers.

Saiki took out his phone and went through his contacts, placing in Teruhashi's first then Kūsuke's then Saiko's.

Saiki stood up and turned off his phone, slipping it into the bag and handed it over to the principal who was waiting next to the door. He was old and a brunette with a bunch of wrinkles and bags under his eyes from the said wrinkles.

Saiki handed him the papers as he looked up at Saiki and delightfully nodded at the boy, he folded and tucked the connection paper into his suit pocket and handed Saiki a packet of paper. "Those are your tests you have ninety minutes, the timer begins when you lift up the pencil," and like that Saiki walked to his table and picked up the pencil and began filling out the packet which he expected was for the intelligence.

Saiki picked up his pencil starting with the first pages, math. It wasn't too hard but he did have to show his work, and that took a little effort but with the calculator practically implanted into his brain since born, he worked away.

Then came science, one of the most boring classes he's ever taken. Since he was around eight Saiki could alter human genetics and the evolution of man-kind, slamming tectonic plates together and changing the fate of mankind whenever he chose best to. He spelled out a few hard words, examples and equations than by the 45-minute mark he flipped the page.

His worry almost disintegrating as seeing to him how simple these types of mere-humans had to do. He flipped to the next page, Japanese History. Saiki also found history very boring since he could just reverse time and experience it all for himself, like what he did when he forced his parents to meet oh so long ago.

Then was English, complex-compound sentences, make a sentence do this do that. Saiki skimmed through the packet with speed and by the 90-minute mark time was up. He was done.

"Time's up," a person opened the doors to the almost empty room, Saiki stacked his papers and passed it over to the front desk lady, he once again disliked.

"We'll send you an email," she said and walked out, though what she truly said was one thing only a teen from the west should think. 'I'm pretty sure he 'yeeted' himself, haha basic ass,' she laughed at her own stupid joke.

Saiki sighed, he did well and he will get in. He knew that for a fact.

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