♛Chapter 60♛

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So sorry for not updating last week
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Saiki followed Ootori towards the pool area, and Morinozuka soon showed up a few moments later, after he said he had gotten lost, as he loitered around the area like an iron golem from Minecraft

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Saiki followed Ootori towards the pool area, and Morinozuka soon showed up a few moments later, after he said he had gotten lost, as he loitered around the area like an iron golem from Minecraft.

But even with the first few doubtful thoughts about what was going to happen and his lack of cake, somehow he actually began to enjoy his time with Ootori. They were both quiet and enjoying the peace and quiet (Ootori more than Saiki, while the Hitachiin twin's thoughts were excruciatingly loud, as well as Suoh's)

But as the Hitachiin's neared along with Haruhi, Saiki's peace and little moments of enjoyment with another Host Club member were long gone, and the Hitachiin boys came to ruin it all with their boss: Suoh.

Saiki's glasses seemed to fog up even more, but it wasn't due to the humidity of the dome, rather than the fact Saiki was beginning to get angry and his body temperature rose quickly, due to his unhandled emotions, but as Saiki continued to attempt to read his book, Haruhi's voice was nothing but a distraction, as she spoke to the twins and the twins with their identical voice spoke back with pride only a born-rich child could have.

"All you pretty much need if you want to play in the water is a plastic pool and a hose." He heard Haruhi say, as his little left daze from reading his book was completely snapped, as he looked to Haruhi with a slight annoyance, but was given an acute flashback of when he and his family was younger almost eleven years back. (Geez, how he felt old thinking 'eleven years back')

Saiki, was a big fan of plastic pools when he was younger, and Kusuke was too, as they tended to play with each other when they were in good terms during the summers in the plastic Mobile pool, Kusuo happily (but refused to show it) remembered the little water fights that he and Kusuke would usually have with water buckets, plastic shovels, sticks... plugged in toasters... iron mallets... full-grown trees...

Saiki sighed happily at the lovely memories. It was one of the few moments he and Kusuke got along with each other, but this was when Saiki was... five at the oldest, and now the more he thought about it, what he and Kusuke did were crazy dangerous, and if Saiki would have known any better, he'd think that Kusuke was trying to kill him (and Kusuo's attempt to kill him back, but was too young to comprehend what Kusuke was actually trying to do)

Well, there goes my few good thoughts about Kusuke. Saiki thought but didn't really care much for memories anyways, it's not like they were good resources anyways.

A test question that you know you studied? Memory is forgotten.

A family member's birthday? Date is out of mind.

Calling Kusuke Kusuo and Kusuo Kusuke? Happens a lot more often than not, unfortunately.

Hotel? Trivago.

Well, those were only three ways your memory can fail you, but those are three ways too many if Saiki had a say in anything. His memories would just fuel his upmost hatred towards his elder brother, and that, out of anything is more useful than not. How else would you have the ability to run across London with your brother tracking and chasing you? Hatred.

Well, that went out of hand real quick, as Saiki chose to pay his attention back to the twins and Haruhi. "A plastic pool? What's that?" the twins in unison have asked each other, as Saiki rolled his eyes and set down his book on the glass table next to him and Ootori.

Crazy rich bastards.

Haruhi was obviously thinking the same thing, as she spun over to the two hosts her age, with a hummed growl, and then tried to explain it in the 'rich man's way'

"Let me think... I guess there around this big." she attempted to make a circle with her hands, "Round." she said uselessly, like she was looking at a photo, but never actually used a plastic pool herself. "And to use it, you had to pump it full of air," she said, as Saiki nodded at her bad description which wasn't too bad, other than the 'air' part.

Kusuke always told him that it's best if you pump the plastic pool with helium and fill the water up with an exchange of water from the hose and chloroform from the black market... Now that Saiki thought about it once again, it seemed like Kusuke had always hated his little brother, but no worries!

Kusuo hated him just as much.

"You dunce." Hikaru pointed out to Haruhi who was 'wrong' "That's called an inflatable boat, dummy." Kaoru finished with their index and thumb out making a checkmark, and resting it on their chin, as they imagined the boat.

"There is no way something that small could be used as a pool." they looked at Saiki and then back to Haruhi who was frowning, "Yeah." Kaoru agreed.

"Guys, it's a small pool!" Haruhi said rather aggressively. "Haven't you ever seen little kids play in one?" Haruhi asked them, but they seemed rather bored by this 'inflatable pool', as they turned on their heels and looked at Saiki.

"Can you believe what she's saying?" the Hitachiins asked their senpai who gave them a look of annoyance (per the usual), as he sighed and nodded, and the twins gasped, and ran over to him squeezing him in the middle of a Hitachiin hug as they rubbed him like a cat with the tops of their head.

"You poor thing," they cooed, ticking off the older boy, "You poor, poor thing," they said as Saiki was not enjoying this, but the twins were having the time of their lives annoying the commoner, who shooed them off.

Kaoru was the first to turn away back towards Haruhi, 'He's a lot more muscular than what I first thought,' but as soon as they planned on going back to teasing Haruhi, Suoh had jumped in and took them away, as Saiki walked up to Haruhi, and placed an arm on her shoulder as if it was telling her not to be bothered by the men born lucky.

She turned to Saiki slowly, but looked up and gave him a kind smile, Saiki almost smiled back if it wasn't for the Hitachiins and Suoh looking in his direction like a bunch of lions going to attack a herd of domestic sheep.

"If Haruhi thinks it's a pool then it's a pool." Suoh scolded them.

"But what about Saiki-senpai?" they asked.

"Well, he's crazy. Don't believe anything he says."

I can hear you.

"So don't go embarrassing her. She can't help that's she's an ignorant commoner."

She's the ignorant one?

Saiki rolled his eyes and gave Haruhi a form of a shrug as they began to talk with one another to zone out the Hosts.

"Shiro's a lot more pleasant," Saiki said, as his back turned away from the chaotic lawful(s) in the host club, as Haruhi seemed to perk up at the sound of the boy from the last episode.

"Why do you say that, senpai?" She asked as Saiki turned his head to look at Suoh then faced forward again to Haruhi.

"I went to the mall with him." and the rest of the conversation went awkwardly, as twins and Suoh walked around the two like they were the pray and them being the predators, but they were ignored as best as possible.

Good grief, can't I just go home?

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