♛Chapter 96♛

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A.N Again, I'm kinda disappointed in this chapter. Comment if you want me to post another one.

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It wasn't the fact that Ootori had woken up in a strange location that scared him, he vaguely remembered being woken up first thing in the morning by the Host Club who stormed his house, and wanted to do 'commoner' things like 'commoners'

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It wasn't the fact that Ootori had woken up in a strange location that scared him, he vaguely remembered being woken up first thing in the morning by the Host Club who stormed his house, and wanted to do 'commoner' things like 'commoners'. This was just the club's terrible plans that he had to go through. What did end up scaring him, however, was the human-gorilla looking right at him, when Ootori finally took the chance to wake up.

The gorilla-man didn't move, even after Ootori looked up, and after two seconds of looking at each other, Ootori felt the need to barf.

"Oh look, Shrimpy!" the big gorilla man yelled over to his much shorter friend, who was in the stands, as he looked over. Ootori noticed that the gorilla was at least the same height as Mori give-or-take, with a terrible excuse of a Mohawk and buzzed sides of his head. "He's alive!" the gorilla man was not the smartest in the book, and neither the best looking. If Ootori knew any better, he'd think he died and go straight to hell after what he had done to Haruhi and Saiki (But still had no regrets).

"Of course he's alive, you idiot!" Yelled the shorter one, who walked over. Ootori noticed that this one was a lot shorter than average, and looked more like a puppy than an actual human, (at least by comparison to his friend) Ootori thought this had to be the worst duo out there. "He wouldn't have died in the middle of a mall!" the two bickered, as Ootori stood up and grabbed his head. The little one was quick to shut up and look over to the taller man.

"You should probably take it easy." he warned as Ootori shrugged him off, "Plus, do you need us to get you back home?" he asked, Ootori shook his head. He was old enough and sane enough to be able to do the modern-day simple things by himself, even after waking up to a monster staring at him.

"No thank you," he said, as he was getting more annoyed at every second that passed. Just longing to go home and sleep the last day of vacation away. He didn't want to spend it with these commoners. Especially not by one who looks like he escaped a zoo and crawled out of the gutters in the meantime. Ootori supposed they didn't know who he was, or what his title was in the 'big-world', so he should at least try and be civil towards them, even though they were the ones that woke him up.

"Great!" Nendo said, "You can come with us!"

"No--," Ootori was quick to attempt to shut the conversation down, and lead himself home. He'd call the club when he gets home, that he left the mall, and that they shouldn't come back for him, and he'll see them tomorrow.

"Nendo, you can't just do that, you idiot!" the smaller one was quick to yell at the larger one, and it annoyed Kyoya that he was cut off. Nendo gave Kaido a questionable look.

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