♛Chapter 102♛

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Saiki tapped on the counter's top as he waited to be told what to do by the extraordinary loud teacher, who kind of reminded him of his old motorcycle instructor, who was always 'BKB' in some sort of way, with his 'Burn Knowledge into Bone-heads' ...

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Saiki tapped on the counter's top as he waited to be told what to do by the extraordinary loud teacher, who kind of reminded him of his old motorcycle instructor, who was always 'BKB' in some sort of way, with his 'Burn Knowledge into Bone-heads' attitude. He wasn't a great instructor but he was fine, as he gave Kaido a motorcycle license even though the boy is the literal textbook definition of weak.

"O.K," that teacher stormed into the classroom, loudly. Having done this every day. The guys, gals, and non-binary pals of the classroom didn't even jump from their seats, rather than just look at him to get the class started, so they can go back to talking with their friends. "WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT JOINING THIS CLASS TODAY!" he yelled, as someone followed behind him. Sluggishly.

Who does this remind me of?

'I swear Takashi Morinozuka,'

Yeah, who does this remind me of? Saiki looked to the boy at the very front of the classroom, who didn't even bother to introduce himself to the students forced to deal with him. Good grief, he complained as he already began setting up for the start of the class period, suddenly his entire area was filled with girls who feared the new addition to the classroom. Why can't other classes get new students? We already have like fifteen people.

Saiki knew he didn't have any room to say anything, him becoming a transfer student as well when he left P.K Academy (He was sure he was the first, and likely the only person to leave P.K Academy, since the classrooms kept filling up with side characters) like Saiko or Kuboyasu.

Saiki looked at the new addition. He didn't keep his gaze for long, as he soon went working on his cake.

But really, who does this remind me of?

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Saiki was currently hosting, after the encounter last episode with Ms. Watanabe, his meet with her was canceled, and Ukyo, the boy with a terrible excuse of a bowl cut took her place. As Saiki, in costume, which was a real katana, blue robes, and fake hair extensions.

During costume changes, Ootori was sure to warn Saiki about the Katana.

"And Suoh?" he asked, as he tied his fake hair up, and began walking to where all the rest of the club members were. They got here a bit earlier than Saiki, giving them more time to be ready. Ootori chuckled and smiled up at Saiki.

"It's made out of plastic, don't worry," he said, also knowing that giving Suoh a katana will lead to someone needing to go to the hospital.

Thank the gods for plastic katanas. Saiki thanked the gods, sorry turtles.

"The newspaper club got one more customer!" Ukyo jumped happily, the boy was a jumpy mess today, seeing that the usual people who bought the newspaper was usually him and the other member. The boy was jumping so high, Saiki could have sworn he saw Ukyo's hair falling away from his eyes.

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