♛Chapter 59♛

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Saiki had unfortunately lost the competition with Ootori, as he was stacked into a car, then was told by Haninozuka that he (and the rest of the club) were being brought to some resort run by the Ootori family

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Saiki had unfortunately lost the competition with Ootori, as he was stacked into a car, then was told by Haninozuka that he (and the rest of the club) were being brought to some resort run by the Ootori family. In any other case, Saiki would've have enjoyed the change in scenery (Even though he could go to Mexico, Iceland, or even back to Okinawa whenever he wanted), but if it weren't for the fact that he was forced towards the sudden change by the Host Club.

Saiki sat uncomfortably in the limo, as he read a book about something, he wasn't really sure what he was reading, but it helped keep his senpais out of his hair, for at least a little while longer, where he could enjoy the peace and quiet for at least a little while longer, before Suoh and the Hitachiin twins storm their way into Saiki's life once again, while Ootori puts him in even more debt for stepping on the 'branded' grass, or whatnot.

Soon the automobile came to a stop signifying that they were to their location of choice, as they stepped out of the car at 4:05 Post meridiem and the little third year was bouncing around happily from the Host Club break, Saiki was picked up by Morinozuka once again, and thrown over his shoulder like a potato sack (How romantic) and carried Saiki into the glass dome.

Saiki knew it was no use trying to escape, with Ootori watching him somehow, and Haninozuka who (to what Saiki heard) was very strong and a boy like Saiki (without abilities) wouldn't even hold on for a second in a fight against each other. Saiki was carried inside, where there was a drastic change in heat and his glasses fogged up, but was unbothered as he boringly swayed his bag, as Mori carried him to the changing room.

"Here," Morinozuka said, as he dropped Saiki onto the ground in front of two males, who were likely operating the male changing rooms today, as they looked down at Saiki, with a power-hungry glace. Saiki looked back up at Morinozuka, as the two men's thoughts (these 'men' were probably around twenty years of age) were chaotic, but Morinouzka just stared down on the younger boy.

Then turned his back, Saiki wasn't sure if Morinozuka was thinking it or saying stuff out loud to the two males, but he just said: "Do your worst." and with Mori's back turned and the two scary looking men, Saiki was picked up by his arms with no second thought, and thrown into one of the rooms.

Morinozuka was standing outside the rooms, Saiki could tell, from the loudness of his bland thoughts, but not doing anything, as Saiki's clothes were thrown off. "Creeps!" Saiki yelled, most of his clothes were not on him anymore.

"Don't worry squirt." one man said, it wasn't really comforting with that hideous smile of his. These people were like the Hitachiin twins on steroids. "You'll be just fine." the other said, but it wasn't comforting in the slightest. "These are Mrs. Hitachiin's newest swimsuit designs you know." the two (must have been twin brothers) said. "So choose whichever one you want." Saiki was feeling claustrophobic.

Saiki, however, didn't choose... or at least not fast enough, but the men were open to chose for him, as they dressed him and undressed him, and flattered him. It's not like they did anything bad, it was just uncomfortable, he was sixteen, he should make his own decisions.

That was until Saiki looked in the mirror and paused, he wasn't looking terrible, and he was actually liking it quite a lot, and enjoyed how he looked in this, rather than in that bright red speedo.

He looked in the mirror and hummed approvingly at what the (psychopathic) twins had finished. He wore a tight black swim shirt, (Showing a surprising pack of abs that it would seem rather strange for a boy like Saiki to carry), and normal swim trunks, which were just like his own, only this blue and white striped trunks were branded rather than retail.

"See." the twins said, "I told you to trust us." Saiki did all but, as he left the changing rooms in a haste rush, towards the wonderful 'changing room free' outdoors (Indoors?), but paused the halo of light around his free self as he saw Ootori and Morinozuka standing outside the changing rooms, waiting for him.

"I see they have found you, your new swimwear," Ootori said but for the first time in his life didn't bother to write anything down (that, to Saiki, would be beyond creepy) rather than inspect Saiki and his preference in clothing, which wasn't any better as Ootori's thoughts were also flattery to Saiki, and Mori's were just blank.

"Saiki." Ootori looked towards Saiki, who still just stood there awkwardly hoping that the two other Host Club males would move out of the way, "Lift up your shirt." Ootori stated bluntly as Saiki stepped back. The trauma he endured with the changing room twins was still (and likely going to continue to be) engraved in his memory for the rest of his already troublesome life.

"Oh don't to idiotic."

Says you.

"Just lift up your shirt, I need to see if it's patted or not to add onto your debt," he said like it was no big deal, but to Saiki, it was, but due to the fact that his 'debt' was brought up Saiki's slight fear turned into an abundance of annoyance, as he, with no second doubt, lifted up his shirt.

Ootori blinked, then just nodded. "So it wasn't patted," he said to himself, and then gave himself a mental note, likely to write it down in his notebook when he has the chance. "Mori-senpai can take you towards the--," Ootori paused and looked up, where a blank gap showed up where Morinozuka was once standing.

"Strange." Ootori pushed up his slightly fogged up glasses, "I suppose I can take you to where the pools are, follow me."

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Morinozuka stood in the woods, far, far, far, away from any sorts of people.

Far away from the club.

Far away from his thoughts.

The Psychic of Ouran | Ouran High School Host Club Saiki K Crossover |Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα