♛Chapter 63♛

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Frick frick frick
Completely forgot to update sorry
But lookie here!

I got artttttt!
Beautifully made the @ShuTheShoe

Smoking just look at the tie clip╔════•| ✿ |•════╗

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Smoking just look at the tie clip
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Saiki woke up straight from his bed, in a panting mess

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Saiki woke up straight from his bed, in a panting mess. His head was killing him, and what he dreamed wasn't much better. He knew what it meant but that didn't stop the pain from still coming forward. This time around he would be the destruction of today's precognition, being with the Host Club on a beach, things would go exploding at the sight of a bug, and the horrors of a large thunderstorm caused by his anger after a few delinquents did something.

He knew if he wanted the Host Club to have fun, and for his powers not to be shown to the world by mistake, he'd have to come up with an excuse, he didn't know exactly what he was going to say, but he knew it was going to have to be one hell of a reason.

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Ootori picked up the phone, as he sat at his computer in the Host Club room, wondering why Saiki hasn't gotten to the train station yet, as Ootori had full access to the cameras throughout the city, legally or not, but money always has a tendency of holding onto its supporters, as long as they continue to make more of the bills to add to their already growing supply.

"Ouran Host Club, Vice President of the club, Kyoya Ootori speaking," he said as he already knew the caller I.D, but usually did the whole sentence long introduction to show he could be commanding even though he's the youngest of the family, and this conversation was going through a cell phone call for a Host Club in his high school year.

"Hey, it's Saiki," Saiki said blandly and faked a sickly sneeze which was obviously fake, as he laid in bed, stretched out as he looked at the ceiling, he had yet to make an excuse on why he was missing the club, more importantly school, while his cake was still in the fridge, all prying hands trying to get towards the fridge (e.i Haninozuka).

"Hello, Saiki," Ootori said tonelessly, as he began to scribble down Saiki's fake sneeze as to try and 'figure out' what disease Kusuo could have as to be admitted to the hospital to make Saiki's journey miserable for attempting to skip clubs and schools when they have a high and wealthy environment, that could get damaged if a kid were to get sick, but this kid was a commoner, so it wouldn't matter much to the adults, then if it were a customer like the flirtatious girl and customer: Mei Watanabe, who wasn't Ootori's favorite, but she did pay well.

"I'm sick, I don't think I can go to school or club today." he emphasized 'or club', but gave himself a high five as to make up a complete and normal excuse as to why miss school and the rest of the weekend lodged in his house as he could get people (the rich) sick, it was a better excuse than I had a precognition that everything would go wrong if I was there. Yes, a lot better than that pathetic idea.

"Oh," Ootori faked grief, "I suppose it happens... sickness and all... even though it's not cold outside." he said, as sickness usually comes around in the winter, and not the fresh spring (or whatever season it was), "How do you feel."

"F--," he cut himself off before he could say 'fine' as he quickly made up another word starting with the letter and same sound as 'f' from fine... "Fatigued," he perfectly replaced, other than the small pause that he had to take as to not mess up his cover.

"Oh, really?" Ootori said, "Anything else?" he asked, as Saiki knew he had to make up an excuse, he was never actually sick in his life, but he knew how his mother would complain a few days in the month about feeling sick, so Saiki mindlessly copied the same words his mother said, not noticing he was digging his own grave.

"Nauseous." which was a very bland term to use, but perfect enough without question. Ootori hummed through the other end, writing that information down, and conspiring that he had the worst case of the flu and was bound to die in the next twenty-four hours, (He sounded a lot like Google, now that he thought about it.)

"Is that it?" Ootori asked, and Saiki made up another lie.

"I want chocolate!" he spluttered, no other idea came to mind, other than that one, but soon scolded himself of what a terrible thing he just said. Saiki knew what he had accidentally said if Health class back in P.K Academy had taught him anything, but now Ootori was going to have this information in his notebook, forever imprinted in his head.

Saiki wanted to melt on the floor then and there but knew he had to keep up this charade if he wanted to miss out on school. It was too late to turn back now, so he had to use the remainder of his excuses now.

Ootori slightly bounced from his seat at what his classmate had just said, and wasn't sure if Saiki was kidding or not, but Saiki isn't the type of person to kid around with sickness unless he had never been sick before and was, for the first time, trying to play it off to skip school and the Ouran trip this weekend, that he somehow found out about.

Ootori hated himself but continued to question Saiki to try and catch him in faking, then to have his Black Onion Police Force to come and get him themselves and bring him into school. "Anything else?" Ootori stopped writing, and cleared his throat and asked again. "Anything else?" he asked, as Saiki was quick to answer.

"I feel big!" and then had, for security, fake cry. Well, sniffle through the other line. It was a tragic moment in the Saiki history, and would likely be embarrassed by this crazy idea in the minute this conversation was over and the years and months that would haunt him for something this pathetic that no one would remember unless you were Ootori.

"V-very well." Ootori wasn't sure what to say, nor was he sure if the crying was real or not, but wasn't going to call Saiki out on that. "Have a good rest of your day, and-and stay healthy." what he cursed at his informal and stuttered ending as he hung up the call. What the hell was he supposed to say, as to make him go to the hospital? 'You're on your period, even though you're a biological male'

Setting the phone down and walking towards the couches that were fixed in a circle, Ootori stiffly sat down next to Mori and Honey, who noticed his figure.

"Was that Saiki-senpai, is he not coming to the club meeting?" The twins asked, as Haruhi soon followed, as she sat in the middle of them, her legs were crossed properly, Ootori would usually cross his legs as well, but his stiffness wouldn't let him, and he felt uncomfortable.

"Is he okay?" Haruhi asked, more importantly, as Ootori clearly gulped on demand like a coding machine and nodded robotically.

"I have reason to believe that Saiki, maybe on a period," he said, not really sure what to say as the club looked really confused with this type of information.

"A-and he-- she! He, he shall not be coming to the Host Club weekend event.

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Saiki laid happily in his bed. The weekend was going to fly, and he had full reason to stay at home for three days in a row, he had already called himself out of food. He fitted himself into a comfortable position and began to prepare for some extra beauty sleep (that if it weren't for his mother waking up Saiki for dinner, he would have slept the entire day)

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