♛Chapter 58♛

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Teruhashi and Kaido (along with Toki) soon went home awkwardly, a little after Shiro blurted out Saiki's new club and questioned Saiki over coffee to see if their anti-social friend was really in a Host Club and working (Unfortunately he was)

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Teruhashi and Kaido (along with Toki) soon went home awkwardly, a little after Shiro blurted out Saiki's new club and questioned Saiki over coffee to see if their anti-social friend was really in a Host Club and working (Unfortunately he was). While Nendo left along with the pink haired's two ex-classmates.

A little while after that, Shiro and Saiki went back to the Saiki household, only to have Shiro then get back home via his personal limo. (Which Kuniharu complained like a child that he wanted one too, which led his wife to warn him "If you didn't spend your life licking people's shoes! Then we could afford nice things, you idiot!" Then she left to the neighborhood wife book and 'bitch' club)

But, unlike his father, Saiki was prepared to end the weekend gracefully. Meaning to say inside of his house by all costs, which means by lounging and doing nothing for the remainder of the weekend. However, time ran past Saiki, and he was back at school in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, Saiki can not control time as school passed just as quickly. Leaving Saiki, the commoner-- along with Haruhi--, left with the Host Club. A club filled with hormonal teens who want a sense of love in their life, since their terrible personalities and daddy issues can't. (with the few that have mommy issues, and the lucky bunch who have both mommy and daddy issues, a few even have mistresses! And not all of them are for the husbands-- the gossip Saiki gets is almost horrifying)

What Saiki didn't know, was that the Host Club was going to be postponed today, for something worse. So Saiki named this chapter: Okinawa Spinoff! Ouran style!, he was going to hate every second of the time he was with the Host Club, and not at home, watching t.v or doing the dishes.

Plus his mother was just showing him how to nit, and he was enjoying that actually.

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At 3:38 Post Meridiem, Saiki was walking around Ouran, after the news quickly spread by the desperate girls that the Host Club would be closed for the day, as a break for the Hosters, even though Saiki was never told this by Ootori, or by a reliable source, he took it onto himself to enjoy the day none the less, as he planned on going back to his baking course, in the baking room, to make a cake that he today made home.


Saiki would protect his lemon-lime strawberry fruit cake safely to the location of his house! Even if it means to use his powers under the watchful vulture's eye of the Ootori Kyoya, the Shadow King.

Was this was going to be dangerous? Yes indeed, it was. But Saiki planned everything and knows enough to get him through this challenge! He knows the exact time that it takes Suoh to stop talking and get into his ride, and the time it takes Ootori to begin to talk to one of the more 'useful' customers, meaning he can't leave mid-conversation to grab onto Saiki or tell anyone in the club where he was, and how long the Hikaru and Kaoru game lasts for with the average customer after being two point five seconds into the game (Once they start they can't stop), and the time it takes Haninozuka to eat an entire slice of cake, too distracted by the food to pay attention to what was going on around him.

Was it stalker-ish?

No, Saiki would defend himself, no it was not.

This is what Ootori would do on pen and paper, while Saiki would memorize everything.


As Saiki walked around the mostly empty hallway (No disruptive hosts in his site.) he was getting closer to his room, so close.





He might as well have been touching the handle until he was swept off his feet (literally), by a tall man, and Saiki's plan crashed and burned, like a blimp filled with helium.

He had forgotten to add Morinozuka into the equation, with his minimal thoughts and quiet figure, it left Saiki's thoughts since he was usually with his partner in crime. On that note: where was Haninozuka? Saiki didn't know, he was too mad to comprehend, as Morinozuka carried him in the most romantic way possible down the halls.

Like a potato sack.

And as Saiki's thoughts continued to crash and burn to the ground, with his cake slipping from his fingers, there was only one thing left to resort to, if he wanted his cake and to go back home.



























He wished, but his mother would get mad at him, and force Saiki to cough up his holiday earnings (Which he could just as easily spend on a Coffee Jello Maker) and get a job to pay for the funeral.

And that would just be a hassle.

What Saiki could do is fight back. He knows that Morinozuka was respectfully weaker than Saiki was, but a little fighting back could put him off guard, giving Saiki enough time to get the cake and run to the train station, without hurting anyone, and if Saiki really needed to, he could open a window to jump out of to save time.

So that's what he did, as Saiki weakened his legs to make him seem boneless, it helped him to slip out of Morinozuka's hold and hit the ground with a weak thud. Quickly standing up Saiki took a dash towards the baking room, with Morinozuka quick on his tail, and speeding towards him at an ungodly speed,

Reaching the baking room, and snapping the door open mid-run, and quickly letting himself inside, while Morinozuka had to pause and open the door, the psychic with a lot of ambition slid his way over towards his fridge.

Only to find it empty.

"Are you looking for this?" another voice asked, as the room's door opened, signifying Morinozuka was in here, but Saiki was trapped and ready to prepare his grave.

Standing over him was Ootori with the cake plastered on the palm of his hand.

His cake.



"Now, if you stand up, and go with Mori-senpai, I won't throw it away," Ootori's shadow filmed its way over Saiki, as he glared up to his classmate.

"You wouldn't,"

Ootori only smiled and used his foot to bring over a trashcan that was under the counter, his grip loosening on the cake and its plate.

"Watch me."

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