♛Chapter 29♛

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Saiki saw Tamaki shuffling from Haruhi's response, as his face turned a soft shade of pink, and he began to fiddle

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Saiki saw Tamaki shuffling from Haruhi's response, as his face turned a soft shade of pink, and he began to fiddle. Rolling his eyes, he heard Renge call for Haruhi, as the desperate girl latched onto Saiki's side. It kinda felt like attached to his hip was a Mikoto 2.0, who was just richer, and didn't have a job.

"Coming!" Haruhi yelled as Saiki walked with Renge across to the other corner of the school. Where the producers waited, and Saiki was met with two pairs of burning souls looking at him. Shuffling Renge's desperateness of him, he turned and pointed. "Who are they?" he asked the mullet-wearing students, who were clearly rich and a part of this school.

"Oh! Well Kusuo--and Haruhi-- these two gentlemen have just agreed to make a special appearance in our film!" he said joyfully, as Haruhi began to sweat in fear, from the two glares given by both, but Saiki knew they were all but dangerous.

'I wanna go home, I have tea time with my sister today, and I just got her a tiara.' one thought, 'I just want to kiss him so bad!' the other student thought, as he imagined him and the boy standing next to him kissing. Saiki stepped back, he did not want to see those thoughts.

"In your film?" The first delinquent-looking student asked, with a clearly confused look on his face. Saiki scrunched his eyes brows together, as he took a step towards Haruhi. The girl instantly latched onto Saiki. With an annoyed look across his face, Haruhi didn't notice at all. It was probably second nature to her, that she grabs onto people when she's scared. "What are you talking about?"

Saiki shot Renge a look of annoyance, Rich people, Saiki shook his head, Always thinking for themselves over the greater majority. Renge had just proven his point, "We're going to need some villains for the big climax! After all!" The two delinquent-looking students stepped back in shock, as Renge prepared her 'In Real Life' fantasy of the perfect fighting combat.

"You should leave now," Saiki warned them, but the two were too in shock to hear him, as they listened in to Renge's story. "At last! Finally, it is time for the final confrontation to arrive! They will have a fight against the greater evil at the academy! The club members will unite to battle some true 'bad guy' character!" she was planning this out like a game that she can just toy with. "And according to the script, these two are from a wealthy family, by being a part of the Japanese Mafia!" the girl said joyfully, as Saiki stepped back from the group.

As he turned to head off the baking course he loved ever so dearly, maybe he'll have a chat with Nekozawa. The dude was cool, is Saiki's opinion, it was mostly because he was given free food.

Hearing chaos break out from the corner around the school, made Saiki breath out in relief. He had left just on time to go have a cup of coffee jello. Saiki soon heard things collapse and yelling, but instead of rushing to go see them, Saiki walked down the corridors of the school. It wasn't his problem anyway.

Why should he be put onto babysitting a bunch of kids his age?

But when push came to shove, Saiki stared out the window, overlooking the filming, though he missed a large part of what happened. He could still see what was going on.

With a broken camera, and a rock on Ootori's right hand, and the fine words on "I'd ask you to stop being such a pest." Renge soon began to cry, as Kusuo stared dazedly bellow.

The girl had what was coming to her, and sure: Saiki wasn't glad that the girl was crying her heart out over a love that would never happen

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The girl had what was coming to her, and sure: Saiki wasn't glad that the girl was crying her heart out over a love that would never happen. But it was more for the fact that Ootori, Kyoya Ootori. Finally had the balls to stand up for his club, even if it was for more personal gain than anything else.

Letting out a sigh, he walked to the kitchen. Hopefully, his leftover cakes were going to be put to good use.

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Soon things were mostly back to normal after the event happened. But now Saiki was very mad at Renge as when he went to his baking course, he found out that she had taken all his sweets.

This is for Honey-Senpai! The card read as Saiki looked at it, with trembling hands, It's being put to good Saiki then and there had burnt the card into ashed by the palm of his hands. But soon regretted that decision as he looked around. Thankfully no one was in the room, so quickly lifting up all the ashes mid-air, he threw it in the trash and walked to the host club.

But now more ladies were coming into the Host Club to flirt, as Saiki rolled his eyes while Tamaki greeted.

"Hello ladies, come on in." Tamaki preposed to the newly added members to the host club's client list.

Saiki, who was standing next to Kyoya, looked over at Haninozuka, who was digging into a cake that he didn't make. The then turned to Kyoya, "There were ashes in the trash can you have in your room," he smiled as he wrote down a few things, "We don't want anyone to get food poisoning." Saiki, who nodded agreed, as he was slightly panicking, but he knew Kyoya didn't see him, so all was well.

"I bought the video of the film you made!" the girl said loudly, as she sat across Tamaki, two other girls agreed with her. The club blinked. Saiki was already staring at Kyoya wondrously. "You did?" Tamaki asked.

"Oh yes! That scene in the rain was the greatest! The lonesome prince was so...so...so--" the girl stuttered out, trying to find the right word to put what the emotions he felt were when she watched the film, Saiki knew what she was actually feeling, and he really wanted to get rid of his telepathy powers now but he lost his ring, so he will just have to suffer through this ordeal alone.

"--Oh and don't forget the deep and loving relationship with Hikaru and Kaoru, it was too much!" The girls cooed and blushed, as they awed and squealed.

"And did you see the dramatic moment when Saiki-Sama was walking away? Oh my, that was so so nice! So cute! So hot!" Ootori twitched a little, as Saiki looked to him, then peaking over to see a circled '13% chance...' and then the words just ended as the black pencil broke.

"You should have made the videos more expensive," Saiki said as he walked away, Kyoya watched him leave the room.

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