♛Chapter 16♛

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"So," a twin popped up behind Saiki in the baking room the moment the bell rang, Saiki didn't even understand how they got here so fast

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"So," a twin popped up behind Saiki in the baking room the moment the bell rang, Saiki didn't even understand how they got here so fast. "How was cooking," the other said hanging off Saiki's shoulder on his tip-toes to look over what he was doing, "With Haruhi?" they both say together, as Saiki finished up washing the dishes and putting them back to their original location, while he did his best to do as much work possible without any sort of their distractions testing him, even though he already saw this conversation coming.

Saiki ignored them as he tended to do with everyone else, and finished up cleaning his area from any flour or sugar left behind. Today; he had created a vanilla-chocolate drizzle crepe cake with caramel coffee jelly on the side, scoring yet again a perfect one-hundred percent as usual when he was in his baking class, and Saiki ate the rest of the cake with flavorful bites and packed some for his mother.

When Saiki did finish cleaning his area he still chose to ignore the twins while he started packing his school bag as everyone else filed out of the room, to head to their next class or talk to their friends, while a few hid in the corner to get some eye-candy from the twins and one or two wanted to look at Saiki and his sudden change without his glasses.

One twin sighed and shook his head, " We wouldn't come to you, but Haruhi is practicing with the Host Hopper on how to waltz, since her class was canceled, that means ours was too, but now we have nothing to do." Hikaru explained to no one's question. Saiki raised his eyebrow, a Host Hopper? He heard about her when he was at the meeting but didn't think much of it. It's not like he cared anyway.

"Do you know how to waltz?" they asked.

Saiki shook his head, though if he wanted to he could.

But as the twins made fun of him Saiki cut in through their laughter "Aren't you here for any other reason than to bother me?" he asked and slung his blue backpack over his shoulder.

His words hit a chord with them, Saiki shook his head They're stupid.

"Oh yeah..."
"Kyoya-Senpai wants to see you," each said one line.

"You're probably going to die," they dead planned.

Saiki nodded, in his classes with Ootori, thought of meeting up with one another had passed and left his minds on multiple occasions. Saiki was just hoping Ootori would forget. "I have classes," he excused himself and tried to leave the class, but was pulled back.

"No you don't," Hikaru smiled, "We got permission to sign you out of class for the evening," Saiki lowly growled, these combined nuisances were getting on his nerves.

"And to our kindness," a twin smirked suddenly, as the two were too close to Saiki for him to get away, "We will take you there," they wrapped their arms around Saiki's and dragged him out, Saiki's shoes scraping the floor a little since he was taller.

The twins unhelpfully dragged Saiki into the Host Club room where Suoh ran up to him yelling and sputtering nonsense. "You set the kitchen on fire, at Haruhi's house! Is he homeless now? You should know that commoners don't have much money!" he shook Saiki by his sweater.

Pushing away his face Saiki sighed, "I used the fire extinguisher, the worst thing that happened was the yam got burnt and ashed," he shrugged, "and we're back at this? Haruhi's a--" Saiki's mouth got covered, but it's not like it matters.

"She is here," he pointed behind him to the infamous Host Hopper to was trying to teach Haruhi how to waltz.

"If you mind, I still need to talk with Saiki-San still," Ootori stood up behind Tamaki, even if he was a little shorter. "Here," Suoh pushed Saiki towards the Shadow King himself, "He set Haruhi's house on fire, do your worst," it was like he disowned Saiki from their club.

Ootori shook his head, "We have to prepare for the Host Club Party, and since you obviously can't cook, we have to buy food, which is added to your debt." he smirked, Saiki nodded, as Ootori passed him a large book from his back pocket, it was like the size of a phone book.

"I need you to go through this book and find a good rated caterer," he smirked pridefully as if he tricked Saiki into doing work.

'Can't I just use my tablet?" Saiki asked,

'....' Ootori's thoughts were quiet. "A tablet?" He dumbly repeated "Why of course you can, I just thought you were so poor that you couldn't own one," he smirked to himself.

"Yes I have a tablet, my dad got it for me when a newest edition came out," he pulled out the tablet that has gotten him so many unspoiled books, "Do you bring around your tablet everywhere you go?" Ootori asked Saiki shook his head.

"I only use it if I think I'm gonna need it, I'm going shopping after school so I have the recipes stored in here," Saiki lied while trying to explain if he did tell the truth how does Saiki say, 'I got powers that help me see the future, and I saw this conversation happening so I brought this along,'

No one says that. So the best way to do so is handily lying, and lie so it's believable.

For the rest of the day, Saiki searched up caterers in Japan all around the internet and selected food as he talked to Ootori about it. Finally ending at a few foods, like cheese (the name was so long Saiki didn't even bother trying to remember it,) and chicken (made so well that the name was too long that Saiki didn't even bother trying to remember it,) and other foods Saiki--yet again-- didn't even bother trying to remember.

"You aren't as pathetic as I thought," Ootori said as he looked into his notebook that had a page filled with costs, charts, graphs, long debts, and (probably) the names of the deceased, and how they died.

Saiki didn't reply as the school day was about to be over, "Saiki-San," Ootori said, "We are in a club together, you can call Tamaki and I by our first names," Ootori didn't even lookup.

"I rather not Ootori-san, we aren't friends nor did I chose to be in the same club as you,"

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