♛Chapter 47♛

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Art was made by: @ShuTheShoe
Isn't it awesome!
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The thing that annoyed Saiki most of all, when he and the Hitachiin twins headed in the direction of the commoner's supermarket for 'research' purposes, was not the fact that he was dragged there by the under of his arms all away from school groun...

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The thing that annoyed Saiki most of all, when he and the Hitachiin twins headed in the direction of the commoner's supermarket for 'research' purposes, was not the fact that he was dragged there by the under of his arms all away from school grounds, with people staring at him like he was a drunk college student on a Tuesday night, nor was it the fact that the twins were talking about going to the commoner's supermarket and thinking out loud, if they should wear masks and gloves, to make sure they don't get commoner bacteria.

(They're another level of pathetic)

No, none of those, were going to be the most annoying thing the Hitachiins put in Saiki's wave of trying to lead a semi-normal life, but it was the fact that they were heading off to the commoner's supermarket that Mera works at for ten minutes each day, while helping her father pay off their debts to the loan sharks, and give food to the three little brothers and sisters she also had to take care of, alongside her mother. (Which Saiki had never met before, and only knew she tried to take care of her kids when her husband went off to Puerto Rico for a job)

"Now, Senpai." the twins said together though their voice faded out as they got distracted, as the two gingers looked at the neon flashing lights that said 'Open' with a pattern that was on the wall of the supermarket, they seemed to be astonished of the 'quality' of simple objects, kind of like coffee jello, the simple taste of pure delight, a product that might as well be Saiki's motivation to wake up in the morning.

"Let's make sure we get what we need." the two said together snapping out of there daze, and then let their arms off of Saiki, who didn't even react, as he stood on his two feet and faced the direction of the twins, letting them finish whatever they had left to say to their upperclassmen who was terribly annoyed that he couldn't go home now, and with the twins on his tail and watching him, he couldn't even think about teleporting, much less use any of his powers in the open, to make this trip shorter and easier for Saiki, to avoid all areas of embarrassment.

"We'll watch you, do your commoner things." they spun around, changing speedily into matching detective articles of clothing, hat, gloves, and all if it weren't for the fact that Saiki was dragged all the way over here, and with people constantly glancing their way, Saiki would have been impressed.

"Then," they said, buttoning up their attire which was flannel-like and gray, and clearly expensive, "You'll have a better type to describe you!"


"Saiki! Saiki! Saiki!" a third party's voice rang up to him, making the three Ouran students perks up, slightly jogging her way up to the old friend, she held a paycheck with the amount of money that no one would sneeze at (unless you were Saiko).

"Mera," he said in courtesy of her presence, now delightfully ignoring the twins, who didn't recognize the poor commoner. Rudely whispering about her, only to have them have a piece of trash have the wind blow and 'accidentally' hit them in the head. Having the two of them groan and try to find who threw it.

That should keep them distracted.

"It's great to see you here!" she said, as she pocketed her newest paycheck, "I just finished my very last shift!" she said joyfully, making Saiki feel proud of her that she wasn't working in a supermarket, a ways away from home and P.K Academy. "Instead of working at the supermarket, drug store, library, fast food shop, preschool..." she went on and on, about the ungodly amount of places that she worked at.

Does this girl ever get sleep? The bags under her eyes that were covered in puffs of makeup proved his point.

"I can drop all of that, and now work at Saiko's mansion, right after school, as I clean his house, for five hours!" she did get a promotion but still wouldn't get sleep if she wanted to keep her grades up with it if she didn't want to work as a house cleaner for the rest of her life.

Though the twins, not really in the conversation, perked up. "You know Saiko?" they asked together, making Saiki remember the note he has in his pocket, given to him by Nekozawa. "Like the Metori Saiko?" they repeated.

Mera looked to them, she stuttered for a second and then nodded, but before they could bombard her with questions Saiki spoke up quickly, "Shouldn't you be at school?" he asked, and the foodie perked up.

"Oh no, you're right!" she quickly got on her bike, but Saiki passed her the letter before she could hit the streets.

"Pass this onto Saiko, it's from a friend of his," Saiki said, and Mera didn't even question it, in her rush, as she snatched the note, and then hit the pedals, riding away faster than any person could ever do on a bike.

The twins were more-less in shock that she knew Saiko, a commoner... that knew rich people.

How astonishing.

Saiki walked on inside when the twins were frozen, trying to process the information, and went out yelling for their commoner senpai, as he went into the supermarket. "Wait up!" they yelled and ran in, only to see Saiki pick up a handbasket. They felt the need to write that down, on their deceptive notepad.

"Are you going to be doing that to everything I do?" he had to ask, but the twins kept writing.

"Is questioning our behavior..." they muttered out loud, as they felt the need to write that down too, Saiki twitched in annoyance, as he knew, that the twins were two very idiotic idiots, and was half surprised by the fact that he could even read their thoughts.

As Saiki went to buy instant coffee, for the club, feeling like if he was going out, he might as well come back with something, while he wasted his time, alongside two gingered twins, that annoyed him to the bottom of his core.

Though as Saiki, went to the coffee section of the store, and the twins followed behind him, as quietly as they could (they weren't that good at being quiet), while people kept glancing over at the childish people, and wondered if they should be at school right now, or at the least, heading home playing hooky, in a place where their teachers can't find them. Some even thought that they should contact the school because of these 'delinquents'. Though when that was going into their head, Saiki wondered one, not-so-important, thought.

Who took over Mera's position?

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