♛Chapter 55♛

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After the carefully avoided disaster at the kid's clothing shop with the Kaido brothers and Saiki

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After the carefully avoided disaster at the kid's clothing shop with the Kaido brothers and Saiki. Shiro then said he wanted to go to the animal shop to pick out a few toys for the cat that he got as a present a few weeks back by his mother and father to keep him company when they couldn't. (Saiki saw that as sad, but chose to say nothing anything about it) as they walked towards the other side of the mall with Shiro.

Even though Saiki wanted to stop and get ice cream, but he supposed that could be postponed for this kid, who was finally getting out of his comfort zone, something he knows not many people do until their older teen or even adult years, and it wouldn't be a surprise if the rich didn't leave their ignorant bubbles at all.

As Shiro happily jumped into the pet store and looked for toys for his new cat, while Saiki went along with the snakes that called, the little rich boy had accidentally walked straight into a machine right outside the cat products. Staring at the object for a few seconds, he walked over to Saiki(Who might as well be his mentor for the commoner lifestyle) to tell him about his new 'discovery' soon questioning him to what it was, and what it did.

Good grief, kid, cut the questions. Saiki complained as he followed the kid towards whatever he was pointing out inside the store. While Saiki turned his back happily to the snake he was having an argument with him seconds ago, about how he wants to get out of the tank even while the snake cursed at him, Saiki ignored and walked with Shiro.

"What's this?" he pointed at the green and white machine, eyeing around it skeptically, it was quite larger than Shiro, and had a photo of the classic golden retriever and blue Russian cat planted on the top it with the brand name. Saiki rolled his eyes at this kid's idiocy and began to explain what it was.

"It's a name-tag maker," Saiki said, as he lifted Shiro like a cat up towards the glass to take a closer look at it, and he looked at the machinery and silver inside of the compartment nearby. "For your pets."

Shiro looked to Saiki happily and with a gasp of delight, (Shiro was having a fun time with the commoner way of life) "Rei doesn't have a name tag!" Shiro said with a fist patted onto his hand in thought, "Maybe I should make him one!" he concluded, after thinking (but not out loud) that he could either buy a branded name-tag for a large total of ¥53,000 with three days in preparation and shipping, or he could buy a ¥15,000 tag, that takes seconds and is cheap.

Shiro chose the smart answer and chose to make one for his cat Rei, as Saiki held onto him, as Shiro inserted his own money in (this time) and began to type out what he wanted, and ended up choosing a simple golden circle tag with the words "Rei" embedded in them and where he lives, in case 'Rei' was to run away. After turning in the information, the machine went to buzzing, while the elementary school kid only watched in awe as he began to smile happily as the tag was being made.

Passers-by also noticed his cuteness, and would aw at the child, and at the same time, they would awe at Kusuo for being such a good brother. Soon the proudness of Shiro making a first proper decision was long gone in Saiki's eyes, and soon filed up with annoyance towards the unwanted attention that he was currently receiving and was likely to lead him into some unwanted situations, and girls to be falling all over him.

After the name tag was done, and the by-standards were quick to pretend that they were busy once Shiro spun around, he sighed happily at his newest creation, then pocketed the tag into his jean pocket along with his wallet, and Shiro planned to leave towards the next shop until another disastrous problem had occurred to them (Mostly Saiki, but equally as traumatizing)

Saiki (along with countless other people) knows the saying: When it rains, it storms, and right now it was a clear case of that saying, as another annoying nuisance walked into the store as well.

"Good day!" the cashier said to the customer, who must of (but not surprisingly) was a frequent buyer for animal products, as the scary-looking delinquent kid looked around the shop for his hamster products.

"Heya!" the big man said, as Shiro froze in fear at the pure sight of him, as he stepped back and ran away, unknowingly to him, Saiki ran away too, over to the bunny rabbit section of the pet shop.

Looking around the shop momentarily, Shiro was quick to find Saiki and had quickly begun to explain to Saiki the hideous creature he had just been faced with, and how they should put him down immediately for the sake of all of humanity.

Even though Saiki agreed to what Shiro said, Saiki also began to explain that some people are just uglier and denser than others (e.i: the rest of the human population), Yeah, he is pretty hideous. Saiki thought out to himself, as Shiro began to look at the rabbits as well, finding a black and white spotted one a lot cuter than the rest.

The boy began to laugh childishly once the rabbit began to bump his head on his hands, unknowingly to him, the rabbit was trying to kill him as slowly as possible (Not working, however)

'Damn humans!' he rammed his head back into Shiro 'I'll kill you all! One pesky human at a time! And I shall eat your heart and dance on your grave when I'm done!' he began to laugh, but the edgy rabbit was quick to notice the dark aura coming from the taller 'pesky' human.

To say the least, it didn't take long for Saiki to leave the store with Shiro before he killed the little angsty rabbit.

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