♛Chapter 84♛

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I'm feeling nice, here's another chapter this week
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Ever since Haninozuka's cavity, both sugar addicts weren't allowed any sugar

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Ever since Haninozuka's cavity, both sugar addicts weren't allowed any sugar. For obvious reasons Haninozuka wasn't allowed, this was for his cavity, from getting any worse, but Saiki was going to need to be sugar-free for a long time, or as long as Haninozuka wasn't allowed. He wasn't allowed any processed sugar in any form of sweets until his senpai got better.

This was for the fact that Kusuo stocked up on candy constantly, thanks to the girls and his baking course. So to stop Haninozuka from stealing candy, he wasn't allowed to have candy. The club also feared that if Haninozuka had a cavity Saiki could also get a cavity, so they stopped his sugar supply entirely. Even to the point where Ootori canceled his baking courses for a limited amount of time, and called up his mother and told her to get rid of all the candy until further notice, for the sake of her youngest son. Since he put it that way, and her being the overprotective mother she is. She had gotten rid of all the sugar supply in the house.

So no tea with sugar at nights, or loads of coffee in the morning with sugar (he could have black coffee, however, he hated that), no sweets from his customers. He was practically dragging through the entire day, and he knew he wasn't alone on this. With his head slumped on the table, in his homeroom. Ootori was standing above him, with some sort of natural power, (that he had wished to squeeze out of the four-eyes who just looked at the angry figure.)

"Poor Saiki," the girls whispered in class about him, "Even though this is Honey-senpai's problem, he looks so miserable," for once they were right. Saiki just wanted to bury himself in a spring load of candy right now. It wasn't as if Saiki could get a cavity anyways with his powers there to back him up.

"Just wait a few days," Ootori told him, writing in his notebook. Ever since yesterday's trip home, Ootori would try and spend more time with Saiki, seeing if the boy is a ticking time bomb or not. Especially since one of his few modes of joy had been taken away, maybe it would make him more irritable.

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It was back to hosting hours, and right now Saiki didn't have any customers. His sour mood would ruin his and the girls' time together. So Ootori had cut him off for a while, so he doesn't raise his voice to anyone.

Saiki was currently near the window and he looked out the window. Everything seemed so fast pace, but he was just feeling slow. Turning away from the window he laid himself on the table in front of him and closed his eyes, trying to sleep away from his tiredness. His eyes sometimes twitched from the caffeine addiction he created.

"Damn," the twins came over, to Saiki who was asleep finally. His addiction surrounded his day, Saiki hadn't even realized that he had little sleep until he didn't have any coffee to wake him up. "He is wiped out," they commented, as the poked Saiki's shoulder, he didn't respond he was asleep, and dreaming about endless roads of coffee and cake Pomhei was also there.... that was a little weird.

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