♛Chapter 70♛

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When the Host Club had finally calmed down, after what unnatural accordance that had just taken place, and then Renge with her super-powered motor that just came up out of the blue

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When the Host Club had finally calmed down, after what unnatural accordance that had just taken place, and then Renge with her super-powered motor that just came up out of the blue. Saiki and Haruhi gave each other a knowing glance as they looked back up at Suoh who was the last one to take off his makeup and the last one in the Host Club, excluding Haruhi and Saiki, who stayed behind, as the Hitachiin twins said their goodbyes, with a little makeup, still stuck on their faces, to no one's surprise, Saiki and Haruhi sat at one of the larger empty couches, in front of a single person sofa.

Haruhi was fidgety, as she sat to the right of the psychic who was stone still, waiting for the blond in the changing room which was on their left. Saiki rubbed his hands together impatiently, as he wanted to get some deluxe coffee jello already, and was already striking through a withdraw which he should probably take care of, but he knew this was important, and how Nekozawa was right that he should probably talk to Suoh and maybe even the rest of the club about this.

"What a stressful day." Suoh sighed as he threw the empty makeup remover box into a trashcan and hung up his bought clothes for later club use and into a storage closet by the janitors. Haruhi was extremely quick to perk up at the sound of his voice but hadn't said anything, or do anything to mark her and Saiki's presence at the moment. Her face was flushed, and her eyes would widen at the possible outcomes of this situation and what would happen after the conversation that she would have in her head, thinking something among the lines that Suoh would kick her out of the club and force the debt onto her father if he didn't like where the conversation was heading.

Saiki knew the chances were low about that, getting kicked out of the club, and the chance the money he had yet to finish paying off was to be sent out to a personalized tab for Kusuke and his parents would need to take care of, but a chance was still a chance, as Suoh sighed to himself and almost stress-free. He yelped into the air, as he saw the commoners sitting on the couch, not talking to each other, rather than waiting for him. He had his own worries strike through his head.

'Saiki is going to take my daughter to that old commoner school of his! Oh no! Maybe their in debt with their houses and are now homeless and need to take up a job and can't go to the host club anymore, while they both become maids...' Suoh's thoughts stopped, 'Maybe that last part wouldn't be so bad.'


Suoh gave a strangled cough, as Saiki and Haruhi looked up at the man. "Senpai." Haruhi said stiffly, "Can you sit down, we need to talk to you." Suoh shouted in his head in fear of what was to happen to his two favorite commoners (the only commoners he knew), Saiki still hadn't said anything, not even a signature 'good grief' or roll of the eyes, not even a grip on the top of his nose, he knew this was serious.

Suoh carefully sat down, as he already began to talk, with a hasty laugh he sat on the sofa in front of them, "You know, if those Lobelia--,"

"This isn't about the Lobelia girls." Haruhi quickly said as Suoh pulled back closer to the backrest of his seat, Saiki turned his attention to Haruhi for a moment then began to take over for the talking which Haruhi was clearly nervous and going to mess up.

Good grief, stop acting like we're on the guillotine. Saiki knew better than to say that out loud and make things worse, plus if his mother found out he said that he'd likely be sleeping in a separate house for the rest of the week, for 'disrespecting' and 'causing a panic' to a young lady who was already stressed.

"You need to change your behavior." Saiki stone-cold ripped the band-aid right off of Tamaki who gave a confused chuckle, on what just happened, but no assuring or comedic response was returned as Haruhi and Saiki didn't seem like the joking type, neither one laughed other than a confused Suoh, who had no idea where this came from.

"I will leave the school if you say anything negative about me dressing up in a skirt or a dress, or anything homophobic," Saiki said, Suoh was frozen in shock but still comprehending the situation, Haruhi sighed out.

"I didn't like what you said about that bible story of 'Adam and Eve'," She said, "And I don't think you should use religion to hate," Haruhi said again after a short pause, he closed her hands tightly on the pant leg of her pants, which were crinkling up under pressure.

"Oh," was all he said, it was a dumb-struck look, mostly expecting a resigning message from Haruhi and Saiki, on how they were embarrassed today or whatnot, but not this, and somehow, this seemed to hurt him more than the two of them straight up quitting. "Okay," he said slowly, his head drooping slightly as if this has never happened before, that people never made him change his own views if they wanted to continue to have a relationship.

"I suppose I must say some sort of apology," Suoh said as he bent over his knees and his hands laid on his lap, "My apologies for disrespecting you, and I hope things would go back to normal the way they once were."

"Thank you,"
"Thank you."

Suoh came back up from the bow, and Haruhi gave him a light smile. "I should head home," she said as she stood up and stretched her right arm into a triangle figure behind her back, then moved on to her left arm. Suoh waved her goodbye, as Saiki waited for the blond to stand up, he never did, even when Haruhi closed the door behind her with a final smile.

"I really am sorry," Suoh said again, and Saiki looked at him, half proud that Suoh took down his stuck-up-ness and properly apologized.

"I know you are." Then Saiki left the room, leaving Suoh with a strange feeling of bonding, even if Saiki had his back facing him.

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"You se--."

"I'm not."

"The Host--,"

"It meant nothing."

"If you say so."

"I want a slice of cake."



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