♛Chapter 12♛

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"How could you say that?" a girl stepped foreword, "To Honey-Senpai

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"How could you say that?" a girl stepped foreword, "To Honey-Senpai..." another said just as dangerously. The class of mostly girls took another dangerous step towards Saiki. The boy stayed quiet as he usually did, but the ladies were mad and the verge of his own destruction.

"Are you so much of a commoner that you don't know who Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai are," but unfortunately to Saiki's dismay, he didn't know who they were and why they are so so important. The thoughts began to turn darker as the girls simultaneously stepped closer as if commanded towards Saiki, and if he didn't move or run fast he was probably gonna be killed or kill someone else if they actually do what their thoughts say they're gonna do.

So Saiki did the inconspicuous thing he could do.

He ran.

Through the hallways quickly down the steps, and the stampede of girls chased after him. It was like the Kokomians only female and to a boy in his third-high-school year that looked like he was five.

He ran past a few students who were in the hallways. That's when the girls stopped chasing after him, the reason behind that was because the person who stopped the girls was none other than Fujioka Haruhi.

"Damnit," he cursed.

"Saiki-Senpai," Haruhi greeted through gritted teeth, she didn't seem to like Saiki at all. "Oh so this is who we want," an orange-haired boy popped behind Haruhi's shoulder with a blank look and triangle bored eyes, "To be honest; I expected more," another identical one said.

I thought the same thing

Saiki looked at them and bowed to Haruhi, "Thank you," he said as he walked away from them and hopefully back to his baking class where the girls would leave him alone. "Oh wait," a twin poked Saiki's shoulder, "You owe Haruhi a favor," the other said, "She practically saved you," they started to become dramatic.

"You owe her back," they spoke together, as their brains we're practically intact as their thoughts line up, to almost identical

"Haruhi get his stuff from, Baking room 3, we'll take him to the club." they wrapped their arms under Saiki and began to drag him away, he didn't bother fighting. He knew it would lead him nowhere, even if the bell just rang for the end of the class period.

"Hey boss," one of the twins started "we got the commoner you wanted," the other said as two side doors slammed open, revealing their boss.

"Finally, now he must listen to me!" Suoh yelled. No promises Saiki kept to himself.

"I want you to join the host club, oh poor commoner!" He yelled and pointed upwards to nothing, but did it just to be dramatic.

Does he not take 'no' for an answer? Saiki asked himself, "As I said before; no. Getting into this school was difficult enough already, I don't need dumb clubs in my way," Saiki ripped his arms out of the twins' hold.

Saiki was speaking to the club as he would as to rip off a band-aid. Quickly, efficiently, and to have short pain than extended pain. The people stayed quiet.

"Kusuo Saiki; alias; 'Kuu-Chan' by your mother and 'Little Brother' or 'Baby Brother' from your older brother Doctor Kusuke Saiki a rich inventor who just moved back to Japan after finishing his college since age fourteen," someone stepped into the conversation.

"Popular on the news when you were younger and slowly backing away from the popularity as time grew on, moving away to Hidariwakibara-Cho S Prefecture for unknown reasons. Debts: A favor to Haruhi Fujioka for almost braking down her mental stability for the club, and as said Haruhi Fujioka has helped you out from a stampede." he shut his book.

"So what I'm saying if you didn't get that all: as of right now you owe the Host Club a favor, more specifically Haruhi and if I may say an apology to Honey-Senpai." Ootori raised his hand towards the small boy who was cowering behind Mori.

Saiki stopped himself by saying an out-loud snarky comment as he bowed to the small boy ahead of him, "My apologies," Saiki stood straight again. He was hating this already. "Now that out of the way," Ootori pushed up his glasses.

'You really need to get those tightened if you constantly have to do that,' Saiki looked at him.

Though Ootori didn't stay quiet, "In the real world to say, the way you treated Haruhi and how he still helped you would lead to a lawsuit,"

Saiki thought for a moment out loud "He? You actually believe Haruhi is a boy?" Saiki looked bored, "I'm sorry but I am almost completely sure Haruhi is a girl," the thoughts of all in the room lingered.

Suoh snapped his fingers, as one of the twins held Saiki's arm back and the other brought up a metal bat out of nowhere.

"Did you not know?" Saiki ripped out again from the twin's hold and took the metal bat out of the other's hand, and tossed it to the side.

Suoh stuttered, "How did you know?"

Saiki stopped, he wasn't supposed to know. Shit

"Her voice seems like it'll never hit puberty," Saiki spoke with a shrug, trying to pass it off as a simple mistake though Suoh didn't seem to hear him as he made his own accusations.

"Did you see her naked! Or-or! Are you the perverted type that stalks everyone? Mommy!" He shouted over to him. Though he only shook his head, "The last thing he researched was Where to find deluxe coffee jello?," Ootori said as he typed on his computer.

Are you sure the stalker isn't right there?

Everyone was silent, "So does Kuu-Chan also have sweets addiction?" Honey asked Saiki, turned to him, "Don't call me that, only my mother does." Though no one obviously listened to him.

"Hey, I brought Saiki-Senpai's stuff." Haruhi came in, which Suoh's eyes shimmered in glee.

"Haruhi! He owes you a favor, you know what to tell him...don't you?" He smirked pridefully.

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