♛Chapter 7♛

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A.N- If you want to read more in less time, go to my Instagram! It's in my bio, to get stories days ahead of the release!

N- If you want to read more in less time, go to my Instagram! It's in my bio, to get stories days ahead of the release!

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When the end of math class passed Saiki left the room in a specific hurry to go to his baking class. He closed his textbook of perfect line-to-line notes an identical left and right eyes that he sketched in the corner, Saiki packed up his seat, but one horrid thing had happened.

This was a terrible experience, that he would hate to ever repeat in his life. He would have loved to die that moment or murder the person that had brought him upon this situation that felt like life and death. Girls filed up to his desk, in all hurry, blocking his way to his classes.

"Hello," A girl chimed as she bumped Saiki's desk with her mushroom dress and her books, but she stopped for a moment to look at the boy she didn't know the name of, but she was attracted to him for some reason, she looked at him in awe, 'I hope he's like Haruhi!' the girl delightfully wished, and Saiki was already annoyed, he didn't like being compared, and being compared to a person he didn't even know was even worse.

More girls crowded around him and the blond wasn't able to reach the new-comer-commoner, so he backed off and let the girl do their thing. Saiki would have loved to call them off and shooed him away, but after closer inspection of the girl, she looked familiar and then realized that one of the girls fawning over him had a popular family bakery that Saiki never had the money to get into.

Saiki only sat there quiet and in a hurry as the girls talked to him

The girls started asking him questioned as they made a circle around Saiki who just continued to pack up his things to go to class.

When Saiki had finished packing his stuff he found a way to squeezed through the girls as he apologized for cutting them off but he was going to be late for class, he walked his way out of the class and into his fourth class of the day: Baking.

Saiki was so ready for his baking class he didn't notice a boy and bumped into him, he didn't seem hurt though he was on the ground just rubbing his back. Saiki sighed, more socializing than what he wanted.

"Sorry," he stretched out his hand, and the boy took it. "A-ah it's no problem!" he smiled as Saiki raised an eyebrow, 'A crossdresser?' it was either that or he hadn't and would never hit puberty at all, sure she (Or he) lacked a chest, but that doesn't say anything that she (Or he) was a dude, it wasn't just black and white like that.

For example; when 'Kusuo' is 'Kumiko' sure they look different but they're the same person, the same genderfluid Saiki K. only 'Kumiko' looks more feminine than Kusuo. Only it seemed to be the opposite for this probably first-year.

Looking at the male with a first few glances she may seem like a boy, but with further detail in the one-second Saiki was able to look at her, she was clearly not a guy. The face was feminine, eyes that you tend to only see in girls, and if you look hard enough she did have a chest, lacked, but it was still there.

"Oh are you new here?" she tried to strike a conversation, Saiki blandly nodded his head. "Ah so was I," she smiled, her thoughts not on the conversation but with her club and school work. Saiki only nodded again and began to walk away, not batting a second glance at her.

Saiki was on time to his class as he did the same as he did in all the previous classes, "YOU NEW STUDENT!" the teacher yelled, Saiki, hadn't flinched. "YOU SIT THERE!" he yelled and pointed to a corner, far away from everyone else, though it's not like he minded. It was a nice spot away from everyone, he had his own fridge, oven, stove, and cutting table. All for him, a real haven.

"YOU KNOW THE DEAL! I'LL BE GRADING YOU ON EFFORT PARTICIPATION AND TASTE!" He yelled, "BEGON AND BEGIN!" he yelled off as people began shuffling to work with their friends. All thankfully ignoring Saiki.

Saiki first took out all the ingredients needed, instant coffee, rounded gelatin, sugar, and whipped cream. Saiki quickly began to work away.

First, he dissolved the gelatin with the instructions on the small packet, then he started to almost boil the instant coffee, the sudden silence helped Saiki concentrate as he continued to work away.

He went back to the gelatin and poured sugar with it. He mixed everything together as he put the almost finished sweetness into dessert cups, and into the 'Quick Freeze Fridge!' the school provided, it would take not four hours but 30 minutes. Saiki easily prepared more as the whole fridge was now full of fifty or so cups.

He sighed as he cleaned his area. The silence that had suddenly come was all the boys and girls in his class looking at him, in awe wanting his coffee jello. He cursed under his thoughts as a ding went off for the thirty-minute mark. He took multiple out dripping the top with whipped cream and went on to find condensed milk, vanilla ice cream, and sweet cream.

Once he finished he brought coffee jello with sweetened cream to his teacher, he took out a spoon and took a bite out of it as a word arrow came flying and hit his chest, with the words of 'BEAUTIFUL' he jumped up from his chair. "This, this this! It is amazing!" he prided Saiki, who grumbled as the stares to him became fierce.

"100%!" he yelled louder. Saiki walked back to his seat as he was crowded around by all the class (fifteen people) who begged for his coffee, all the girls wanting to give it to people from a 'host club' Saiki just agreed. Everyone took one or two or three, leaving 25 for Saiki. Though choosing to save 24 he ate the last one with bubbles surrounding him, happily.

The girls awed at Saiki, and when they did so the bubbles instantly popped at Saiki opened a book

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The girls awed at Saiki, and when they did so the bubbles instantly popped at Saiki opened a book. "That new-commoner is cute...will the host club add him, though they did just add Haruhi-Sama..." one girl whispered, 'not if I have anything to do about it.' Saiki thought for himself, he was already planning on joining no club in this school year.

Though with the constant thoughts about Saiki circling around him, Saiki couldn't read and ended up doing nothing but using a school computer to copy down recipes.

The class ended for Saiki as he heard the bell ring. As he and countless other students packed up to leave the class or head to clubs, Saiki heard "COFFEE JELLO! I WANT COFFEE JELLO OR ZERO POINTS FOR ALL OF YOU NOW" he yelled as Saiki walked away, he had passed on his addiction to another.

I got tagged.
So the rules are I have to say 12 facts about myself.

1. I live in the USA
2. I won second place in a writing contest.
3. I breath Audiobooks
4. I love Fred & George Weasley in the books
5. The Institute is my favorite book
6. Gremoryland and My Deepest Secret are my favorite comic
7. The Mask and It Chapter 1 & 2 are my favorite movies
8. My first language is Spanish
9. My best language is English
10. I'm learning French
11. My favorite show is Community's
12. I'm learning how to draw

Comment if you have questions for me.

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