♛Chapter 68♛

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After finishing the meal, Saiki didn't even see the rest of the Host Club for the end of the day

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After finishing the meal, Saiki didn't even see the rest of the Host Club for the end of the day. After procrastination sped up to him, and he just wanted to go home or do something else, then listen to a bunch of idiots yelling at each other, in the form to 'protect' their daughter. Saiki was still in his skirt and blouse from St. Lobelia, as he planned on going to the train station.

Good grief, why am I at this school again? he almost forgot, Oh right, the baking course.

As he walked towards the front gate, he had spotted Haruhi, who was mixed up in this situation just like he was. Haruhi paced around, and only noticed Saiki when she leaned her head back and looked at the sky. "Oh, senpai!" She called out, running over to Saiki, "Did you know that the club was selling our stuff?" she asked him, and Saiki gave her a confused look.

Of course, they would.

"Yeah!" she threw her head back in annoyance, "They took my last good pencil for ¥30,000!" she seemed to like that pencil a lot if she had the urge to bother Saiki about it. Saiki wasn't that materialistic, other than the fact that he loved peace and quiet... and the god slapped amount of coffee jello.

"I can't believe the club!" she kicked a rock, then missed, as they suddenly began walking to the station together.

Why are we even walking together? Was Saiki's question of priority. Do I get coffee jello if I listen to your pathetic excuse of a problem? was equally an important follow-up question.

"You left fairly early in the fight, right?" Haruhi looked at Saiki as she swung her bag around, "I know Tamaki-senpai said some pretty hurtful things, even after you left." she gave him a sigh. "He even brought the 'Adam and Eve' story in, which I think was a little excessive." Saiki gave a nod, he knew that story, and how a bunch of religions would rely on it to excuse homophobia.

He knew Imu Refuta the first year, liked women, and he knew (the all hated) Takashi had a thing for crossdressing, and he liked men and women, so he never understood why people disliked same-sex couples so much, it just seemed like a waste of time, and that the person hating on other people for the things they liked, should probably get a hobby.

"I don't know..." she sighed, Saiki had yet to say a word, "I don't know what to do with them." she seemed to have given up at the club's idiotic, they were beginning to near the train station where Saiki had one final thing to say.

"Tell them," Saiki said, Haruhi tilted her head to the side, "That's what I'm going to do," he also said, "Tell them that you didn't like what they did, or what they said, and if they don't change or accept..." Saiki's hair began to fly up, making his hair look like demon horns, Haruhi stepped back in slight fear.

"Make them."

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The next day came around, and that conversation Kusuo had with Nekozawa then followed by Haruhi, still racked his brain. Saiki didn't really ever stand up to the Host Club, he just called out people's stupid ideas and was always ignored indefinitely by the club, to them he was just another smart commoner with 'a lot of nerve'.

As Saiki (In his skirt) walked down the halls with Haruhi both silent, in thought, one more important than the other (Haruhi was thinking about how much money it would cost to have three hundred meals worth of sushi and if they didn't pay the rent how much more it would be, while Saiki thought about the hosts and the coffee jello... mostly about the hosts-- who was he kidding, he was thinking about coffee jello), as they began to go to the Host Club, even after the terrible events of yesterday, with infuriated both commoners into maybe leaving.

But soon stopped his thoughts, when the Lobelia trio suddenly stood around fifty meters away from them, Saiki looked outside then back at them in a moving pattern, Saiki could've sworn he saw them outside just a second ago.

"Hello, young maidens." the tallest, and the leader Benibara waved, the other two girls' backs were still faced away from them, the smallest then spun around, "We've come for your decision are you prepared to leave?" they were talking like the twins and it got really annoying, really quickly. "We're ready to confront those Ouran Host Club idiots and set things straight once and for all!" the third one with the longest hair said.

Even though they were across the hallway, Saiki could hear them perfectly, their yelling almost gave him a headache, which was never done before.

"Set what straight?" Haruhi asked, as Benibara awkwardly slid down the hall, and propped an elbow onto her shoulder.

"That you should come... with us!" She grabbed onto Saiki's arm as well as Haruhi's and pranced down the hall, "Go to a school with your own kind!" she paused and looked at Saiki, lifting his chin, even though Saiki was barely shorter than she was only standing one inch shorter than her.

"Don't worry darling, we shall try and sneak you in!"

I can already turn into a girl. Was Saiki's not out loud response to Benibara, as they began to suddenly prance again towards the Host Club, their hopes high

and ready to crash.

Soon the girls slammed open the Host Club, and it was strangely dark. Saiki already knew what was going on, but since he couldn't see in the dark, he wasn't sure what they were wearing, but it seemed grand if Honey's thoughts were complaining about it, right before they got into position.

The four girls were confused, as they tried to see, but only saw a dressed figure in the background standing up and being dramatic as usual, it didn't take a genius to know it was Suoh who was performing.

"Who's that?"

Well maybe it did, but who was he to say anything out loud.

"Ouran," he sang, another stood up, "Ouran," matching his pitch. Mori then stood up, as he was not in a dress and said in a very tired voice, "Ouran,", then was Ootori, "Ouran," he seemed to hit the highest pitch, just as Saiki went into his pocket skirt, and flipped his phone into a camera to it could record this.

Good grief, god. Why are you doing this to me?

Saiki would ask, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this even slightly.

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