♛Chapter 34♛

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One of the twins laughed as Haruhi's remark, "I'm sorry, Hikaru!" Kaoru seemed to laugh to spite his brother, "I don't mean to laugh

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One of the twins laughed as Haruhi's remark, "I'm sorry, Hikaru!" Kaoru seemed to laugh to spite his brother, "I don't mean to laugh." he continued to laugh and bent over laughing as Hikaru's face was slightly angry and he stared and glared to the back of Haruhi's head.

"Well," Hikaru said over his twin brother's laughter, "I don't see the point on what's so funny," he said sternly, as Saiki saw right through the act, "I'm honest, I speak my mind and I don't hold back." he said, though Kaoru continued to laugh, "It's sneaky people like Kaoru who are the trouble makers," he complained, with closed eyes in mannerism.

Kaoru went quiet with a gasp as he stopped laughing, "Don't turn this on me, Hikaru," Kaoru said, as he stood properly straight up, "After all, I'm the one who is always going along with all of your stupid and selfish games." Kaoru remarked, as Saiki looked to Ootori, who was just seeing this play out.

"Shouldn't you stop them?" Saiki asked as Ootori hummed, not even looking up, even though Saiki could see this was an act, it was already annoying him, just as much as the twins were together.

"No, a little rivalry would never hurt," Ootori said, as he glanced at the twins and back down to his notebook.

"It could affect the customers who like them together," Saiki warned him, as Ootori stopped writing and looked to Saiki.

"Are you telling me how to run my own club?" Ootori asked as Saiki stayed quiet, knowing that saying anything would make things worse than it already is for him. But if he were to say something, he'd probably remark the fact that it isn't his club, rather than Suoh's.

"I may suggest them, but you're the one who really gets into them, Kaoru." Hikaru snapped back, "If you hate it so much, then why don't you just stop?" they were digging each other's grave.

"Because I'd hate to see you make an entire ass out of yourself in front of everyone." Kaoru snapped back, as the bickering was already driving Saiki insane, "It was your idea to call Haruhi and Saiki-Senpai our toy, even after the glare you received."

"Oh so this is also partly your fault," Ootori acknowledged.

"Don't even."

"But I also noticed you were quick to make a pass at her," Kaoru stated into the war zone, "Just admit it, Hikaru, you're actually in love with Haruhi," he remarked slyly, and by the thoughts, it might not be completely true yet... yet. "Aren't you?" he asked.

Hikaru blushed, gasped and looked around for someone to help him. Suoh came up yelling.

"Don't even Kaoru!" Hikaru yelled over, "You actually like, Saiki-Senpai, I know you do! You'd stare at him when he eats his cake! I bet you have no-no dreams about him too when you dream, hell! Maybe even when you're awake!"

Ootori froze his writing and looked up, now paying attention, though his mind was blank for the gossip, that even brought the attention upon Morinozuka as he stood up and walked over with Haninozuka to listen in on what the twins were saying.

"Man! You're such a freaking idiot! As if a senior would like you, and as if I'd like Haruhi!" Kaoru's face turned away angrily as he looked at the customer's, as he listened to the 'bullshit' his brother spewed out of the hole he called a mouth.

Saiki was relatively surprised that Hikaru, true or false information called his brother out for liking the new commoner teen, but Saiki found it difficult when trying to get into the head of Kaoru to see if it was true or not, the random other thoughts of the people and customer's overlapped the twins, making it difficult and mind splitting to try to get information that came from a stupid act.

"Yeah! There are some things in this world that must never be said!" Suoh cried in fear for his Haruhi.

"Now, why would I fall her? I mean look at her, she looks like a tanuki!" Hikaru yelled as Saiki would have warned him to watch the pro-nouns, but he would when he cared enough.

"Why, how dare you call her a raccoon dog!" Suoh yelled over the two twins, and waddled up to the two with freelance fists, "You're going to pay for that!" he yelled.

"Awesome, this is just so perfect!" A familiar voice said as a motor turned on, "Our beloved Haruhi, and my love, Kusuo, is in the middle of a beautiful, yet poignant four-sided romantic relationship."

"And Kusuo." Renge said warningly, "Stay out of this." she mostly saw the love of drama for a person she minorly cares about, rather than a boy she had a hand full of chapters doting over.

Already planning on to.

"And to make it even more exciting, two of Haruhi's admirers are twins torn apart by love!" she cooed, but Saiki wondered where the motor came in from.

"Just the thought of it could make even me eat three bowls of rice."

I bet you already do, you're kinda desperate.

"Oh butt out, otaku." the twins for a short second had cut the act to make the blushing and dramatic french girl to be quiet.

"You guys are meanies! You shouldn't say something like that to your manager!" she cried as the twins walked away as she began to cry.

"How is she still the manager?" Saiki asked, but Ootori had stayed quiet as he continued to blankly look at the twins, more specifically Karou, with a minimal amount of thoughts and symbols (Including the yen sign and a few questionable and out of place thoughts) going through his brain.

"But, Renge, I thought you had feelings for Haruhi as well," Suoh said, thinking maybe that could help him out, by cutting out the fight.

"Oh, don't worry, I still do." a gleam shined in her eyes, "But I have no problem with Haruhi having a homosexual relationship on the side."

Our 'manager' still doesn't know Haruhi's a girl. So what does Renge do, other than be annoying?

"But Kusuo, nuh-uh, he's saved for me. I don't want a homosexual relationship get in the way of my love!" she said, as she glared at Kaoru.

"I'm confused, I thought you decided to go back home to France, Renge," Haruhi said with a sweatdrop and a worried chuckle.

I'm confused too, but for different reasons.

"Well, I was going to start up my own host club back at home, but I don't think France is ready for a host club just yet."

'And the fact daddy said I couldn't bring a boy or two back with me,' Saiki chose to ignore that thought.

Can I go home now, please?

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