~My Neglected (Dramatic) Boyfriend~

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Requested (April 2021) by: evaingzz
Y/n's POV

I furiously pressed on my keyboard as I ran my mouse across my mousepad. I was currently playing my favorite video game with some friends (who are at their own houses since we're playing online).

"I got the dude blue, is the site clear?" I talked into my mic waiting for my friends to respond.

"Site B is clear, plant Y/n!"

"Planting," I announced.

There's nothing like the adrenaline of a matchpoint game.

"Y/nnn, you've been playing all dayyyyy. Stop neglecting meee," C/n drawled dramatically as he leaned over my chair.

I quickly muted myself but kept my eyes trained on the screen, "C/n, they can hear you. This match is almost over, just wait a bit more."

"I don't care if they hear me," C/n unmuted my mic. "If anything it's better that they know that they're stealing my girlfriend."

I quickly remuted my mic as I heard my friends laughing.


"Come on Y/n," he started trailing kisses up my neck, "I'm bored."

I crinkled my face as I tried to maintain my focus on the game, but I couldn't stop a small smile from forming.

"C/n you're acting like a kid. Just wait a bit more we're almost done I promise."

He groaned before resting his head on my shoulder to watch my screen.

"He's at boxes! Just stall Y/n," my teammate spoke over the mic.

"K," I replied as I hid in a corner and threw a grenade towards the doorway.

The time went out for the enemy to defuse, so we won the game.

"I'll be back start another one up," my friend said to the rest of us.

"Ummm hold on," I looked to my right to see C/n giving me a pointed look, "I think I'm gonna get off, I'll get on tomorrow same time."

"Awwww but we're on a winning streak Y/n!" they whined.

I laughed, "Sorry guys but I've got something I needa take care of."

"More like someone," she replied which caused all of us to start laughing.

I turned off my PC as I spun around in my chair to my boyfriend, who was grinning at me innocently.

"Now you have my attention, happy?" I said sarcastically.

He picked me up by the waist, making me scream in surprise, and threw me onto our bed.

"Hehehe, I've finally got you to myself," he maniacally cackled.

I let out a gasp of air as he flopped onto me, letting gravity put all his weight on me, "You're heavy C/n."

"Well, how else am I gonna make sure you stay under me?"

I playfully hit his chest, "Don't say it like that!"

"Wow Y/n, you know that's not what I meant. I didn't know you were so dirty," he playfully poked my cheek as I glared at him.

"Shut up or else I'll go back to my other baby. Didn't you hear? We were on a winning streak," I complained as I played with his hair.

He laughed, "Let's see you try."

I huffed. With C/n's heavy ass on me, I'd be lucky if he let me go to the restroom.

"You're lucky I love you."

"Yeah, but I love you too so we're even," he replied cheekily as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

💙: Do you like gaming? What's your favorite video game?

I don't game anymore but I used to play Call of Duty

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