~Movie Night~

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F/m: Favorite Movie
Y/n's POV

I only had to wait a couple of seconds after knocking on C/n's front door before he swung it open with a wide grin. He quickly pulled me into his living room and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Today was Wednesday, which means it's our movie night. C/n had excitedly told me had a surprise planned when he called me earlier in the day.

"Close your eyes so I can show you the surprise," C/n explained while clasping my hand in his.

I giggled at his child-like excitement and complied. He guided me through his house to what I could guess was his room from all the turns we took.

"Open your eyes."

My eyes widened as I looked at the structure at the side of his bedroom. He had set up a large fort by hanging up blankets that were being illuminated by fairy lights. It's a lot more impressive than the forts I attempted to make with my cousins growing up.

"Wow, how'd you do all this?" I questioned in awe.

I dragged him by the hand, excited to crawl into the fort. It was so comfy and soft since he laid out blankets and pillows to cushion the floor. I looked around the relatively spacious area, once again in awe. C/n grinned at my reaction and pulled the blankets closed behind us so we were completely encased in the fort and the small lights. He pulled out his laptop and opened it, placing it on a stool in front of us.

I wrapped us up in the extra blankets and we sat glued together, resting our backs against the pillows leaning against his bedroom wall.

"What movie do you wanna watch first?" he asked.


"But we've watched that a million times already," he complained.

"Yeah, but I'm in the mood to watch it. Please!" I pleaded, looking him directly in the eyes knowing it wouldn't be too hard to make him crack.

"Fine," he groaned in defeat.

I cheered and pecked him on the cheek. He rolled his eyes but a clear smile was on his face as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I shuffled around to get comfortable before resting my head against his shoulder, partially leaning my body on his. He leaned forward to press play on the movie before kissing me on the top of my head; I felt so warm at that moment.

The rest of the night was filled with smiles and laughter. We ate so many snacks I probably gained an extra hundred pounds, but it was worth it.

By the time F/m ended, we shifted positions, and C/n laid down resting his head on my lap while I remained somewhat upright. I guess C/n was sleepy though because he didn't even make it past the opening of the movie I put on before falling asleep.

I slightly chuckled at his light snores while wondering how I was gonna be able to drag him to bed.

💙: What's your comfort movie to watch?

Mine's Rapunzel, don't know why.

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