~Arranged Marriage~

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The First Day

Y/n Y/l/n sat at her large vanity, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was bare and free of imperfections thanks to the rigorous beauty regimen her mother had her on for the past month. But she wasn't concerned with her appearance at the moment; she wasn't even really staring at herself, instead, she was completely lost in thought as she reflected and anticipated.

Today, Y/n would finally be introduced to the man her parents wanted her to marry. The only information she knew was that he was of a family of a high class. But to her, that was a given—her parents would never agree to anything less.

She couldn't help but feel despair. At the young age of 18, she was going to be married off to a stranger in exactly one month. Her wedding had been planned as soon as she turned 13, and yet, she didn't even know her fiance's name. She attempted to reconcile with herself over the years, knowing it was her duty to fulfill as a businessman's daughter, but she still feared the future like any other person. She couldn't even be sure that she'd be given the luxury of marrying a man around her age, which was especially frightening because once she was a wife and no longer a daughter, her new duty would be to produce a male heir.

But what can she do when it is money that runs the world.

Y/n's personal maid, B/f/n, knocked twice on her bedroom door, pulling Y/n out of her daze.

Y/n's POV

"Miss Y/l/n, are you ready?" B/f/n called from the other side of my door.

"Yes, you may enter," I replied.

The doors opened and B/f/n came in with two other women accompanying her. She made her way to my closet and started pulling out the dress that my mother had gotten specially made for me a week before. It was an elegant dress, tight enough to show off my body but still modest enough to maintain formality.

B/f/n and the other two women worked on my hair and makeup for the next 2 hours. When they finished, I stood in front of a full-body mirror, staring blankly at my reflection.

"You look beautiful Miss Y/l/n," B/f/n said. She stood a little behind me, staring at my reflection with me.

I tried to smile but didn't manage to get it to reach my eyes, "Thank you B/f/n. But please call me Y/n. I don't know how many times I will have to request that of you."

She laughed, "You know your mother would never allow that Miss."

When I didn't smile in return she stared at me with worry etched on her face, "Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is just fine," I replied.

A housemaid entered my bedroom, "They're here Miss Y/l/n."

I nodded in understanding and looked in the mirror one last time, bracing myself. If nothing else, I was determined to keep my head held high.

When I entered the living room, I politely greeted the guests before sitting down beside my mother on the sofa. Mrs. C/l/n stood to greet me.

I see, I'll be marrying a C/l/n. But which one?

Of course, my father isn't here. He has more important matters to deal with.

"My, Y/n. It has been so long since I have last seen you. You have grown to become such a beautiful young woman," Mrs. C/l/n stated warmly.

"Thank you Mrs. C/l/n."

"I am so glad we are going to be one family," she went on, "I remember when you and C/n used to play together during our annual parties. You two always managed to hide away somewhere together!" She laughed at the memories.

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