~Lockdown With Your Not-So-Favorite Person~

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Code Red: A dangerous person is on campus so the school needs to go into lockdown
Y/n's POV

I think today can officially be classified as the worst day of my fucking life. I was just going back to my math class since I accidentally left my phone on my desk only to run into the dumbass that goes by C/n. As soon as we saw each other I glared and he returned it with a scoff before I quickly grabbed my phone so I could leave. But then a code red had to be called over the intercom so now here I am, stuck in a classroom with the damn idiot.

I looked up to make sure that C/n was still on the opposite side of the classroom, only for us to make eye contact.

"What the fuck are you staring at," I snarled.

"You're the one that's staring," he retorted, "Like I would go out of my way to look at something ugly."

I rolled my eyes and the silence returned.

C/n started rummaging through his backpack (very loudly and obnoxiously mind you) and pulled out a snack bar. He stared into his bag and seemed to be contemplating something before looking across the room at me,

"You hungry?"

I looked away, "No."

He shrugged and zipped his backpack closed while I decided to start drawing on the wall since there was nothing else to fucking do. But of course, my stomach decided to growl since I hadn't eaten lunch and even though I told C/n I'm not hungry, I am.

I glared hard at him as he started to snicker,

"Not hungry huh?"

"Just throw the damn bar over," I huffed.

He tossed me the snack bar and I got up off the floor to sit at a desk since my butt was starting to hurt. C/n walked over to sit across from me and I slowly scooched my chair away from him.

"I don't have a fucking virus on me calm down," he said as he leaned back and crossed his arms.

"And how would I know that?" I replied.

Suddenly, C/n leaned forward, placing his arms on the desk, "You know Y/n, you don't have to play hard to get. You can just say you've got a crush on me."

I burst out in laughter, "In your dreams asshole. I'd have to be out of my fucking mind to like you."

"You sure about that? Or are you just pretending you hate me 'cause you're too scared to admit it?"

I copied his position and leaned against the desk as well so we were face-to-face,

"You of all people should know I'm not scared of anything, especially not you."

His smirking expression was replaced with a sickly sweet smile, "Oh really? I do remember something from when we were kids though."

I leaned back, crossing my arms against my chest as he got up from his chair, "Uh-huh, and what's that? I'm surprised you remember anything before last week."

"Well, I remember that my bestest friend Y/n was scared of the dark," he said as he switched off the light.

The classroom went pitch dark since the sun was long gone and the curtains blocked any moonlight from entering.

I rolled my eyes in the dark since C/n's an idiot and the last time I was scared of the dark was when we were still friends, which was a long ass time ago.

"You feeling brave now Y/n?" he taunted, "Don't worry, your bestest friend big strong C/n is here to protect you."

I stealthily made my way towards him, skillfully maneuvering around chairs and desks so he wouldn't hear me. I quietly approached his back before jumping onto him.

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