~Automated Text~

605 23 4

F/n: Your Friend's Name (Female)
Y/n's POV

"Alright Y/n your turn," B/f/n announced.

I clicked the button on my computer, waiting for the site to load. B/f/n and a couple of other girls from our class were currently at my house so we could all hang out on our 3-day weekend. We decided to play dare or dare (truth or dare but only dares) using this website that auto-generates prompts. So far, I've been lucky enough to get pretty simple ones.

I read the prompt that finally popped up on the screen out loud, "Send the message 'This number does not exist' to the next person that texts you and make them believe your phone number isn't working."

"Oh that's so easy," F/n whined.

I laughed, "Thank God."

While we were waiting for someone to text me, the other girls played their turns. B/f/n got dared to lick a toilet seat when my phone finally buzzed with a notification.

"Who texted you?" F/n asked as she looked over my shoulder.

I held up my phone so they could see and raised an eyebrow in confusion, "C/n. That's weird I wonder what he needs."

"Uh uh, you can't ask. You gotta send the 'automated' message remember?" B/f/n reminded, clearly feeling butthurt about her shit luck compared to mine.

I sighed, "Fine."

I opened his texts which were all normal until I got to the part that said 'I need to tell you something.'

I groaned, "Look! He said 'I need to tell you something' which sounds serious. Can't I wait till someone else texts me?"

"Nope, a dare's a dare," B/f/n said.

I grumbled in annoyance but started typing out the "automated" message. As soon as I hit send another text appeared in the conversation indicating that C/n sent me a message just as I sent mine. After reading it, I dropped my phone in shock. Everyone looked at me curiously when they heard the silent thunk my phone made as it hit the carpeted floor.

"What? What happened," B/f/n questioned.

I pointed at my phone which still had the conversation displayed on the screen, "FUCK! Look what he sent me!"

B/f/n reached for my phone, reading the text out loud, "I like you."

"Oh shit," F/n said.

"Now he's gonna think I sent that message so I wouldn't have to respond," I groaned.

"I don't think it's that serious Y/n," B/f/n reasoned, "He knows you're not that immature. You just have to explain that you were doing a dare and he'll understand. I think you can get a pass from the second part of the dare anyway, so don't worry."

All the girls nodded in agreement.

"Oh... you're right," I conceded, thanking B/f/n for stopping me from spiraling.

Moments later my phone started ringing while I was typing out my explanation text; the caller ID revealed it was C/n.

"It's C/n! I'm gonna answer but you guys better shut up," I hissed.

Everyone started yelling to put him on speaker as I answered the call.

"Hey C/n."

"Hey. Why'd you send that fake automated text?" he asked patiently.

I nervously laughed, "Well you see, I was playing a dare game with the girls. You know that website online?"


"Well, my dare was to get the next person who texts me to think my number doesn't exist."


"Soo, right when I sent the 'automated' message you sent me umm... a text."

I could hear a chuckle slip out of C/n's mouth, "Yeah. And did you read that text?"

"Yes," I mumbled before taking a quick inhale, "I like you too. Sorry for sending the automated message right after you confessed, that must've been real fun to read."

"Yeah, totally didn't crush my heart or anything," he replied playfully. "You're home, right? I'm outside your door if you wanna make it up to me."

I looked at the girls with a panicked expression as they eagerly nodded at me in support. When I opened my front door, I was somewhat surprised to find that C/n was actually there.

I can't believe I'm not imagining all of this...

I smiled and went to hug him, trying to ignore the not-so-subtle stares of my friends who were watching from the other room.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey," C/n grinned when he let go of the hug, "so tell me again Y/n. What did you mean to send instead of that automated text?"

I sheepishly smiled, C/n's calmness helping to relieve some of my nerves, "I like you too."

His smile widened before he pressed a kiss to my cheek and pulled me in for another hug.

"Your friends are taking pictures," C/n casually stated.

I sighed, but I wasn't really all that surprised.

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