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B/f/b: Your Best Friend's Boyfriend
R/n: Random Name (Female)

Y/n's POV

I groaned for the nth time while dramatically falling forward onto the back of the couch C/n was sitting on, draping my arms around his shoulders and resting my chin on the crook of his neck. He was mindlessly playing some video game with his friend, aka, my best friend's boyfriend.

B/f/n groaned as well, copying my movements on B/f/b. They seemed to be very focused on their game though since they paid no mind to our dramatics.

C/n turned his head to kiss me on the cheek, still keeping his eyes trained on the TV in front of him.

B/f/b lifted one of his hands to quickly pat B/f/n's head before returning it to his red controller, "Do you girls need something?"

"We're bored," B/f/n childishly whined while I nodded my head in agreement into C/n's neck.

"Why don't you guys go do what you normally do," C/n suggested.

"Yeah, like paint each others' nails or something," B/f/b continued.

"We already did all that," I grumbled.

"Yeah, that's why we're booooored," B/f/n drawled out.

But our boyfriends seemed like they were in another world as I felt C/n hold his breath, almost making me hold mine too. I lifted my head from his neck so I could stare at the screen, trying to understand what was happening as B/f/n did the same. The words "MATCH POINT" flashed as I realized how competitive C/n and B/f/b were being.

After a couple of moments, I noticed C/n's and B/f/b's bars of health becoming lower and lower at almost the same pace. However, B/f/b was quick to take the lead.



The two boys yelled as they both simultaneously stood up from the couch, the momentum making B/f/n and I topple backward.

I let out an expletive and B/f/n yelped as we landed on our asses behind the couch, the loud thuds causing both boys to turn toward us.

"Shit, my bad babe," C/n lightly chuckled as he went around the couch towards me.

B/f/b started laughing as he helped B/f/n up. We looked at them blankly, not feeling nearly as amused. We didn't utter a single word as we calmly plopped down onto the couch in the spots they'd originally been sitting in. Then, we started conversing with each other, pretending they weren't there. C/n and B/f/b just shrugged at each other in confusion.

"B/f/n did you hear about that new club that opened down the street from our favorite coffee place?" I asked.

"Oo yeah I did. I heard it's really nice!" she exclaimed.

I grinned in return, "Yeah R/n told me that their DJ is great and their drinks aren't too expensive."

"Sounds fun! We should go since we've got nothing better to do."

"Yeah, I'll call R/n and let her know. We can get ready at her place!" I explained excitedly.

We both stood up and started heading toward my front door, putting on our shoes as if we were gonna go outside. C/n and B/f/b shared a look of alarm and B/f/n and I shared a secretive smirk.

I mean, we don't have to stay here and be bored...

"Ok Ok! You guys win," C/n groaned.

"Yeah, we surrender," B/f/b said as he rolled his eyes.

CrushxReader One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz