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Requested (July 2020) by: brideofharrystyles

B/n: Your Older Brother's Name

O/n: Your Older Brother's Friend's Name (Male)
Third POV

Y/n stood in front of her mirror wondering why she couldn't find a damn outfit that could satisfy her. Sure, her whole floor was covered in wrinkled clothing, but she still felt she had no suitable clothing.

Y/n looked up from her mess of a floor when she heard a knock at her door.

"Are you almost done? We should probably leave the house soon!" B/n, her older brother yelled.

"I'll be out in a sec!"

Y/n finally decided on an outfit but still didn't feel completely confident. Why? Because Y/n was going to the amusement park with her hopeless crush: her older brother's best friend, C/n.

At first, she thought she was going crazy. Y/n had always been friends with her brother's friends. Hell, B/n's best friends were practically her older brothers too. But for some reason, anytime C/n is over she feels a little more giddy and decides to try a little bit harder on her appearance. Hence the feeling that her closet was emptier than her brother's brain.

Y/n ran to B/n's car, sliding into the front seat as he pulled out of the driveway.

"So who's coming?" Y/n asked.

"Probably just C/n and O/n. But who knows, people just show up," B/n shrugged, keeping his eyes trained on the road.

"Isn't that annoying?" she questioned.

"It's whatever."

After a short ride, they finally reached the amusement park's parking lot, where C/n and O/n were waiting.

"What's up," B/n greeted as Y/n hugged C/n and O/n.

"So, which rides you guys wanna go on first?" Y/n asked, looking around the amusement park with wide, excited eyes.

O/n's POV

I looked over at B/n knowingly. He scoffed before finally turning to his younger sister.

"O/n and I needa do something real quick so you guys can go ahead and we'll meet up with you later," B/n said as he and I walked away from a shocked Y/n and a confused C/n.

Of course, we're gonna be good wingmen. Especially since we found out that C/n has a crush on Y/n.

Y/n's POV

I tried not to freak out too much as C/n and I walked side by side.

It's ok Y/n. It's not like you've never been alone with C/n, he's just another human.

I glanced up at his face right as he looked towards me and smiled.


"I wonder what those idiots have to do and why it has to be at an amusement park," C/n wondered out loud.

"Yeah, I never know with them," I shrugged.

"So what ride do you wanna go on first?" C/n asked, repeating my question from earlier.

"Let's go on that one!" I pointed to my right. "I love roller coasters."

C/n and I ended up going on almost every single ride in the amusement park. I was having so much fun I completely forgot that B/n and O/n had come with us.

I suddenly grasped C/n's hand and pulled him back before he could get into the line for the next ride. He gave me a questioning look as we stepped to the side.

"Where's B/n and O/n?"

"Oh shit, I forgot about them!" C/n exclaimed, pulling me along to a bench so we could sit down.

He used his phone and called O/n.

Third POV

"Where the hell are you guys? And what are you doing that's taking so long?"

"Wow, you finally remembered we existed," O/n grumbled, "We're at the arcade. Where you guys at?"

"We're at the bench near the swinging chairs," C/n replied as he looked down at his and Y/n's intertwined hands.

Y/n sat beside him, staring mindlessly at a ride that was filled with screaming people, completely forgetting that her hand was still in C/n's.

"Helloooo?" B/n called, snapping C/n out of his staring.

"My bad, what was it?"

"Did you finally tell her?"

C/n raised his eyebrows in confusion, "Tell her what?"

"That you like her! The whole reason B/n and I were giving you guys space!" O/n shouted into the phone as B/n gave him a pointed glare for attracting the attention of passersbys.

"What?! Why would I tell her that? That'd completely ruin everything!"

Y/n was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt her hand getting gripped quite tightly. She barely caught the end of C/n's question but was curious nonetheless.

"Tell me what?" Y/n asked, squeezing C/n's hand back.

He glanced toward Y/n, almost letting the phone slip out of his hand as he felt himself getting warmer and sweatier.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," he told her before returning to his conversation with O/n.

"Bro, if you don't tell her, I will," O/n threatened.

C/n practically growled, "Mind your business."

Y/n watched in confusion as C/n angrily hung up the phone and pulled her up, his hand still attached to hers, dragging her off to the far corner of the amusement park where the garden was located.

"Where we going?" Y/n questioned, not minding C/n's tight grip on her hand.

"To the garden to hide from your dumbass brother and his dumbass friend."


"You'll see," C/n replied.

When they finally reached the garden, which was dense with flowers, C/n pulled them to a stop and looked Y/n in the eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Y/n inquired, becoming increasingly worried at how little C/n was explaining.

"Yeah. Sorry, I just need to tell you something before you hear it from O/n's big ass mouth but, I'm kinda nervous to tell you."

Y/n's eyes widened as a thought ran through her mind before she quickly dismissed it.

"It's ok, we've known each other forever C/n. You can tell me anything," Y/n answered comfortingly.

After taking one more quick breath in C/n blurted out, "I like you. Like, more than friends like you."

Y/n giggled at C/n's uncharacteristic outburst before quickly hugging him, "I like you too."

💙: Do you like roller coasters?

I hate them😃

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