~A Night Out~

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B/c: Your Best Friend's Crush (Male)
Y/n's POV

"B/f/n! Why did you give him your number? I thought you finally decided you were gonna ask out B/c," I sighed as we walked together on the sidewalk away from the nightclub where we just had the time of our lives.

B/f/n and I decided to have a girl's night out with the whole group and we were exhausted from dancing all night. It was great but someone gave her number to a complete stranger that I know she does not actually like. We didn't drink too much but we decided to walk home to save some money. It wasn't that late anyway. What harm could possibly happen?

"I don't know what you're talking about. B/c won't make a move so I gotta keep my options open," she explained.

"'Cause you won't make a move either!"

"Like you're one to talk Y/n."

I grumbled as we continued walking down the sidewalk. As we turned into a side street and off the busy sidewalk we were originally on, the night's quiet created a calm vibe.

"Why the fuck is it so damn dark? What the hell am I paying taxes for?" B/f/n complained since many of the street lights were either out or really dim.

"Well, well, well look what we've got here boys," a man chuckled as he stepped in front of us.

Of course, I didn't see the three big men that reek of cigarette smoke leaning on that damn wall. Where the fuck is our taxes going?

"Not again," B/f/n groaned.

"Sorry 'boys' but we're not interested." 

We attempted to walk around them but one of them stuck an arm out in front of us.

"Don't be so rude sweetie, I know how to take good care of you. But you've gotta behave or there'll be problems," he said, getting closer and putting a burly arm around my waist.

"If you don't let me go I will kick you so hard you won't be able to be called one of 'the boys' anymore," I glared.

B/f/n got ready to punch as well, getting into the fighting stance we were taught growing up. But before we could do anything, two groans were heard from the men who were a bit further behind. And soon enough, the man that was holding me was also sent down.

"Assholes. Call the cops B/c," I heard another, much more familiar voice say.

"Yeah, they're on the way," another voice answered.

"Don't worry girls, your heroes are here," C/n declared as he and B/c stepped closer.

B/f/n clenched her teeth while I rolled my eyes.

"We had it under control," B/f/n growled as she stepped forward, standing toe to toe with B/c.

"Aww don't be so mad. If it makes you feel any better, I needed to let my anger out after you gave that guy your number anyway."

C/n visibly winced as my eyebrows rose.

"Umm, repeat that?"

"That doesn't matter Y/n, B/c was just confusing something," C/n said as he tried to hide his nervousness with a smile.

B/c just dumbly nodded along, eyeing B/f/n for her reaction.

B/f/n and I shared a look.

"Look, if you don't tell us the truth, we'll do to you what we were about to do to them if they hadn't let us go," I said, motioning towards the passed out bodies.

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