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C/b/f/n is also B/f/n's crush in this one-shot
Third POV

"Land ho!" the man on the watch tower called.

"Pull 'er into the docks!" the captain yelled as he barked orders to the men onboard the ship known as The Scarlet.

Meanwhile, two women were below deck collecting inventory, counting the weapons and ammunition to see what they would need to buy on land.

"Y/n! Do ya think Captain's gonna let us have some drinks at the tavern?" one of the women called as she was counting the pistols.

Y/n turned around and walked over to her crewmate, helping her load the pistols back into their spots.

"I heard Captain's got a job for us. Somethin' 'bout talkin' to the captain and his second of another ship," she explained.

B/f/n groaned, "I hope it's not those idiots again."

Y/n solemnly nodded in agreement.

These two pirates are the only women aboard the Scarlet and are infamous fighters. Y/n specializes in handling knives while B/f/n is a good shot with a pistol. They are both well-trained in hand-to-hand combat, earning their reputation as the most fearsome female pirates of the seven seas. They have been members of the Scarlet's crew for 3 years now, but of course, they know that their captain wasn't the best of men, so the two women were hoping to buy a ship of their own.

After receiving word that they had reached land, Y/n and B/f/n made their way up to the deck to speak with their first in command.

"Captain, we heard ya had to talk to us 'bout a job in town," Y/n stated as they walked up to their captain, who was still barking orders to the men unloading the ship.

The captain turned around with a hard stare and said, "Ladies, I need you to seduce Captain C/n and his second in command to create enough time for my men to sneak on board The Cobalt and steal back our gold."

B/f/n huffed, "I understand we're the only women onboard the Scarlet, but why can't someone else distract 'em?"

The captain gave her a smirk and answered, "Because those lads got a soft spot for the two of you." B/f/n and I sighed but we agreed. "Focus on yer tasks and don't let those scallywags get away. Ya hear me?"

"Aye sir!"

Y/n's POV

"Come on Y/n let's head into town and see if we can find those knuckleheads!" B/f/n shouted.

I nodded and strapped some knives under my vest while she holstered two of her guns, one on each side of her hip.

An hour of walking passed until we finally made it into the tavern we usually found the boys in. It was famous for having the best drinks but not being too crowded.

We walked in and scanned the area for the boys, not seeing them anywhere. Before we could turn around to leave, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close to a built chest. I automatically rested my hand on the hilt of my knife so I'd be ready to pull it out if needed.

"Well if it isn't our two favorite girls," the man said turning me so I could face him.

"C/n," I said as B/f/n simultaneously said, "C/b/f/n."

B/f/n was clearly blushing but still managed to maintain an indifferent expression.

"So what ya ladies doin' here?" C/b/f/n asked as we all walked over to the counter for some ale.

As far as the boys know, B/f/n and I are just merchants who travel often.

"We're on a little vacation and needed a drink. Why are you boys here?" B/f/n replied.

She asked the bar lady to get us our usual. We've been here so many times that most of the employees know us even though our visits are quite sporadic.

C/n smirked, "Well, we're tryin' to collect somethin' that's valuable to us."

"Like what?" B/f/n pressed, slightly excited at the prospect of treasure.

C/b/f/n leaned close to B/f/n, their faces only inches apart, "Like you."

B/f/n started mumbling incoherent words as she turned her head away. She was clearly having an internal conflict and it almost made me want to burst out in laughter.

Which I did, and B/f/n could only glare at my cackling as she turned redder in the face.

"Oh don't be lookin' so high and mighty Pirate Y/n, I'm here to collect you," C/n said.

I wasn't as easily flustered as B/f/n (that and his face wasn't an inch away from mine) so I just rolled my eyes. I tried to keep the shock out of my face at the revelation that they knew of my and B/f/n's profession.

"Well, we're not gonna be easy to take Captain C/n," I retorted.

He sighed exasperatedly, "I guess we couldn't have kept that a secret forever. But you two are comin' back to our ship to join our crew. How could C/b/f/n and I not know about the two beauties of The Scarlet?"

"Sure, as long as I get to be your second," I answered nonchalantly, ignoring his last sentence.


"WHAT?!" C/b/f/n and B/f/n yelled in unison.

"Yer not seriously gonna give second in command to her?" C/b/f/n shouted, although lowering his voice at the waitress's expression of a glare.

"And ya aren't seriously saying we're gonna join their crew!" B/f/n huffed, "I'm not gonna be stuck on a boat for more than a minute with that lunatic." She pointed a finger at C/b/f/n who only glared in return. 

"And what will Captain say once he's found out?" she asked.

C/n and I shrugged.

"I've gotten tired of bein' treated like we're lower than them. The pirates of the Scarlet are a bunch of idiots who have their heads stuck in their asses," I stated.

B/f/n grumbled expletives but finally agreed with me. C/b/f/n maintained a glare on his face as he finally spoke,

"Can't believe you sold me out for Y/n, Captain."

C/n rolled his eyes while I simply smiled innocently. We all got up from the bar and walked to the Cobalt which was beached at the docks a little ways from the Scarlet.

"Er- by the way, your ships are probably being looted right now," I said.

"We know," they simply answered.

"Of course you do," I mumbled, trying not to think too much about how they got all their intel.

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