-chapter 10-

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I woke up to the sound of thunder and lightning. My first time experiencing thunder storms was terrible and i have had always hated it.

It scared me alot, i may seem tough but these thunders are my soft spot. Every flashing light strikes i flinch.

Tears start coating my eyes of fear and i just tensed up my muscles and squeezed my eyes shut begging for it to be over but of course the thunder would disobey my wish of the disappearance of the storm.

I felt myself trembling inside the covers softly panting. When will this end? And why now? After what felt like years i noticed that the noises were settling down.

I felt my mouth really dry probably from the fear i had a while ago. I sighed and sat up sliding off the warmth of the covers and walk off.

I slowly opened the door nob and walked off leaving the soft noises of my steps behind me. I was walking though the long corridors finding my way to the kitchen when i heard it.

I flinched with a small quiet yelp of fear. I bit my lip in fear bracing myself for the next loud noise to struck again.

I was trembling, my breathing pattern lost its track making me pant faster as tears start to threaten to trial down my rosey cheeks.

I regret all this, i shouldn't have gone out, i really want to go back under the bed covers where it was safer. At least make this stop. I slowly stepped back against the walls. I just stood there trembling flinching in every sound of the storm in sync.

I suddenly noticed a black figure slowly stepping towards me with a candle. I squeezed my eyes shut in fear. I just wanted to be invisible at this moment though i didn't care who it was...Armin where are you? I thought.

I felt a cold hand placed on my shoulder making goosebumps spread across my skin like a wild fire and sending a chill down my spine.

"Oi brat what are you doing here this late?" A stern male voice finally speaks.

I slowly open my eyes, with the help of this candle that the figure was holding i could tell who it was. It was no other than my Captain, its Levi.

"O-oh um may i help you captain?" I nervously salute straight away.

"There is no need to salute this late you luniac." He scolds me and i put my hands down. I start fiddling my fingers nervously.

"You look scared." He mentions.

"Im not." I blurt out.

"You're about to piss your pants idiot." He states.

"But im not sca-" i get cur off with a loud thunder strike making me jump and tears fill up my eyes.

"Dont tell me you're scared of thunders." He glares at me in disbelief.

"Of course...not! Im not scared im...i-im a soldier i-im bra...brave." I stutter. Ugh im so stupid.

Levi just stares at me with no emotion written on his face, just empty.

"You're lying." He finally says.

"N-no im not a liar..you have no proof im scared!" I frown still fighting mentally hoping the tears wont escape my eyes.

Suddenly he did the unexpected. He blew the candle making everywhere pitch dark. Soon his figure disappeared and so did anywhere that was caught in sight with the help of Levi's candle, it was dark and silent. Thats when i started to panic. I couldn't move an inch just froze there like an idiot.

Suddenly i hear a loud clap and thats when i have had it. I bursted out crying covering my ears and my breathing was really heavy. I was sobbing uncontrollably with fear living inside of me.

I felt something strong yet warm warp around me something i needed..it felt like a warm embrace. I then felt like the ground disappearing under my feet realising i was being carried.

All i did was hang in there with my eyes closed yet i was confused. I was still in tears finding a hard time to stop.

I felt myself being placed on a mattress i slowly opened my eyes to be in an unfamiliar room. I waited for my teary eyes to adjust when i was Levi walk out of the room and shut the door behind him without a word. I was left confused.

The thunder storms were still going on and on yet this room calmed me down a little but still i was petrified of the thunder noises.

I slowly got off the bed and opened tho door to see him sitting on his chair doing paper work sipping tea.

"Go yo sleep." He says as soon as i enter.

"But-" i protest but he cuts me off by standing up by dragging my arm and open the door and kick me out of door leaving me back in those corridors.

Levi's pov:

I pushed her out of the door shutting it behind her. I placed my ear against the door and there were silence. I thought that another thunder storm would strike and make her scream or something. It was annoying that she was denying the fact that she feared thunder storms.

After i realised there would be no loud noise i decided to hit my hand against the door. BANG the door goes.

Thats when i hear crying and some shuffling behind the door.

"What an idiotic lunatic." I whisper to myself and open the door.

My eyes widened to the state she was in, i instantly regretted what i did but why? I could carless if she was crying for THAT.

There is just something in her that remind me of someone back in the underground and gladly forgot after she left me without saying goodbye. I would never forgive her for that, not only she left me but Kenny did that asshole.

I switched back to reality as she just cried tucking her legs against her chest with her hands covering her ears as tears traveled down her cheeks.

"Tch." I click my tongue. Why do i regret doing this now?

I kneeled down to her level and took a glance at her. It looked like someone shit on her or perhaps she pissed herself. Her breathing wouldn't stop and got faster making weird speed patterns.

I frowned at this sight.

I took her under my arms into an embrace. Great now she is soaking my clothes...but what could she do. My brain kept debating to think bad of her but then showing sympathy towards her mentally and physically.

I managed to rotate myself so now i was leaning against the wall. I held her like a baby as she started to calm down though her breathing was like running laps.

"Breathe." I say.

We breathe slowly in sync and she started to calm down and all i could hear was her soft breathing and sniffles.

"Why are tou helping me?" She finally says.

I pause for a second, why did i do this? Im her captain so its my job to keep my comrades safe right?

"Duty." I blurt out.

"Thank you." She says nudging her dace deeper into my shirt.

I jus sigh in response and slowly stand up holding her bridal style. Her dorm was quite far so i took her in my office and laid her onto my bed. I place a blanket over and walk to the door opening it then turning to her.

"Sleep brat." I finally says and walk off slamming the door behind me.

I sit down and and continue my last stack of paperwork. Drinking my tea i still wondered what the two idiots that left me years ago are up to. If i see them again...i will... i pause through my thoughts and grit my teeth. I take a deep breath and sip some tea calming my anger.

I glance over to the door where [y/n] is, she almost looks like her but its impossible at the same time, I remember her being scared quite alot and not tough and i had to save her ass all the time though i loved her, i used to perhaps. She could have at least say goodbye.

End of Levi's pov

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