Chapter 17

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I jogged down the road in a light tempo. 

I had my letter with me and everything else i needed.

I soon arrived at the post and posted my letter. Just as i was about to walk out of the door, Hoshi walked in. I takled her into a hug and she returned it laughing.

She took care of her letter while i waited outside. The sun was starting to sink. And i had a brilliant idea. I hope Hoshi will like it.

When she walked out the post, she hooked her arm with mine and i smiled at her while we leisurely walked down the road. 

We soon arrived at the mall we were hedding towards and went inside. 

We first went into the stores and god our school suppleys. Folders, notebooks, blocks and pencils and everything else needed.

Then we decided to go into some random stores and i brought myself some decorations for my new dorm and also some new books.

We then decided, because it was already about 7:30 pm to get something to eat.

We brought our favoirte foods wich we took away with us. When we were outside the mall, i dragged Hoshi the other way instead of which we came from. She got the hint what i intended to do and smiled.

We then walked next to each other while talking and eating. The landscape around us changed a lot with every turn we took.

We soon came to an increasing street and walked up it.

At the top was a beautiful view.

At dusk there was standing a tree in the sunlight and further away way the city ans other tiny villages. We walked near the edge and sat down. 

Where we were?

It was a cliff in out town. The view was amazing. Under us the city, further away all the tiny villages and then the mountains.

Right now, the sun was going down right between two mountains, just like always at this time in year. It was always amazing to watch.

But beside the beautiful view, you also were left in full qiuet, nature and peace. I never saw anyone else here so i assum, that we are one of the really rare people, who know about that place.

And we have sworn to each other to never tell anyone. So not even my family knows about it.

Just Hoshi and me.

We enjoyed the view, while eating the last peice of our food and then just sat there in silence right next to each other.

Then Hoshi broke the silence after the sun was gone completly and it started to get darker.

"I do wonder, who life will be. I mean after school. Then what comes next? I mean the sun will always come back up again on the next day but what will change for us?"

"Who knows? Maybe we will have a family, a husband, children, a great job or we will just die in a car crash or something? Who knows?"

"I really shouldn't have asked you that. You are always so pessimistic."

I punshed her lightly and she laughed at it.

Then we both looked at where the sun had just went down.

"No, seriously. What do you think will happen?"

"I have no idea. But one thing i can tell you: You won't get ride of me ever again."

I said it with a proud face and also meant it that way.

Hoshi hugged me thightly from the side and said "Well, that calms me. At least something will stay."

I  hugged her and smiled at her and she did aswell and then we turned back to the mountains.

It became darker and darker around us.

After some time i stood up and held my hand out for Hoshi with the words "Come on, we need to get home."

She nodded and took my hand. I pulled her up and she nearly flew on top of me and threw us both over again. But we could catch each other in time, so we weren't sent flying over. We both broke out in laughter and didn't stop until we had everything packed up and together.

We then walked together until we had reached the park. That was the point, we always needed to seperate.

We hugged each other one last time and then seperated our ways.

I hurried up on my way home. I knew way to well, how shady these streets can be.




I was walking home from a day like this. I had a lot of fun with Hoshi and the happy feeling was still in my body. I didn't really payed attetion to my surroundings.

I was only ten.

 TW: Attempted rape

Suddenly, i had reached out to me out of a dark ally. Out of nowhere.

I was pulled inside this ally and somebody pinned my hands over my head. My foots didn't reach the ground. I was to shocked on what happened.

The only thing i realised was that a men was standing infront of me and doing that to me and that he had drunk a lot by the smell of his breath.

"Oh, you lovely thing." He said. His voice was sickening me. "Show me more of you."

With one hand, he was holding me, with the other, he went under my shirt. His hand was icecold. I wanted to scream, but in exactly that moment, he pressed his lips on mine. I couldn't make a sound anymore.

I tried to wiggel myself out of the grip. his nad was moving further and further up. Sending shivers of coldness down my spine.

TW End

But then, out of nowhere, my instincts set in.

I used my foot and kicked the man in the balls.

He let go of me and sunck together. 

I got out of his finel grib, got my bag and ran. And ran.

I looked over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't following me. But i still didn't stop running.

I only stopped, when i reached my home.

I barged through the door that day and immediatly broke together behind the closed door.

Tears were streaming down my face and i couldn't get any air. I was sobbing uncontrolably and it took my mom really long to calm me down. And even longer before she found out what happened to me that day.

~Flashback End~

Truth be told, i still had nightmares about that day.

I shook my head in order to banish that thought and hurried up even more.

I only let the tension fall of my body, when i was standing right infront the door.

I opened the door and was met with something very familliar.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I somehow got the feeling to add a little angst just because but well yeah.

Hope it's okay.

See you soon!

Have a nice day / night!

Your A/N

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