Chapter 60

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Tendo turned around to me while i dropped my bag to the ground.

"We do!" He insisted.

"It clearly doesn't look like it." I stated, while i looked at the points.

"You don't always have to win with a lead of over 20 point or something. Besides, i didn't think they would pull something like that." He said gesturing at the team of Karasuno.

"That is why you should always know your opponent." I stated.

"And that is why we have you." Tendo hold against it.

"But i won't always be here and do that for you." I said.

"I will force you if i have to." Tendo said.

"Oh, dear peasent. I would watch my words, if i were you. Who knows, what might happen to you otherwise." I said with a grin on my face.

"My deepest apologies, empress. I never intended to hurt you feelings. I am very very sorry." Tendo said while chuckeling.

I couldn't help but break down into laugther especially after seeing the faces of the player of Karasuno because of the conversation between Tendo and myself. The people on the team from Shiratorizawa were already used to our shit chat sometimes, but to other people, it some times seemed really weird.

I had by now taken off my outside shoes as well as my sweater and was tying my volleyball shoes.

"So, you did make it on time, huh?" The coach asked. He was sitting near to me on the bench, while the team of Karasuno was still in shock and my team waiting on me to finish putting on my shoes.

"Of yourse i did. I would never leave you alone." I said jokingly and then finished tying my shoes and stood up, ready to play.

"Are you sure, you are warm?" The coach asked. 

"Yep." I said with a smile. "I ran from the car here so i am pretty sure, that i am warm."

"I still want you to stretch." The coach said to me and then to the people on the court "Why don't you continue the game?"

Karasuno served and Shiratorizawa attacked sucessfully, earning another point, while i stretched. My brother was still looking at me in pure shock.

"Stretched?" the coach asked after the point was earned.

I nodded, so he switched me in for Semi, who had been setter so far.

"So the empress is back on the court." Tendo said while i walked onto the court.

"Well, that is my territory in which i rule." I said smiling like i just came straight from hell.

"Now i am starting to feel sorry for your opponent." he said.

"Don't worry. I will just put them in their place." My grin became like one of the devil himself.

"Y/N, it is your turn to serve." Toshi said, which made my grin if possible even more develish.

I was walking to the outline of the court, when i heared the voice of my brother calling me.

"Since when are you playing on their team? You play on the girls team!" He called over the court.

"I never clarified on which team i play. You just simply assumend it was the team from the girls, even though i had been playing on this eam this hole year." I said with a winning smirk on my face. "And now i will give you an idea of which this team is capable off."

With that, i turned around and grabbed the ball getting ready to serve.

I could end this really easily. 

Currently, we were in the lead 13:18.

With 5 ace's and a few sucessful attacks,  i could get this first set easily over with.

Let's do this.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a very familliar voice.


I looked over to the place were the voice came from and i was confirmed on who it was.


"What?" I called back.

"Harsh. But still. Bring them the ace's you brought against us." He said and i immediatly know, which serve he was revering to.

"Your wish is my command." I said, while turning my head back to the game.

I threw the ball up in the air with quite a lot of spin, ran and then jumped up really high. But it was needed and perfect for this serve. I hit the ball, so it would fly straight to Noya, but a tiny split second, it switched it pat completly and went down on the left side of Noya, to fat away from him to catch it even if he had been able to react to it.

My team celebrated me, while i heared from the Karasuno's side just a "What the fuck was that?"

That made me smirk even more, so i made another and another serve. 

In the end, i hit all five serves at Noya, always letting them change their paths just second before he would have been able to receive it. But even that would have been quite difficult with all the spin, speed and force on it.

But i could see in Noya's face, that he was compeltly defeated because it seemed to be so easy to receive them, but he was proven wrong every single time. Even though, Daichi tried to cheer him up, it didn' really work that good.

Now, we were forced to rotate and Tendo was up to serve.

He did a pretty good one that wasn't easy to receive, but they managed. And they attacked, but over ther ace because the ball was way out of control to make another set. Well, for normal setters, but seemingly, my brother didn't want to risk anything right now.

But the attack from the ace was slowed down by a one-touch from Ohira, so Tendo received it to me, while i was already running to the net. There, i set it, while making eye contect with Toshi and calling out for Ohira, to Toshi, who broke trough the two-man block from Karasuno with ease and scored another point.

We were now leading 24:13.

Last point.

Tendo made another serve. This time Karasuno was able to receive it better and the made a minus quick attack. 

With they, i mean my brother and his boyfriend, of course.

But what they didn't expcet was Tendo giving everything to keep the ball in play, so he dived and was ablet o keep it in the air, but the ball went completly out court.

"Toshi, Tendo, Kawanishi, C-attack." I yelled while running after the ball, quickly catching up with it and positioning myself to set.

I saw the point where the ball belonged as clear as if i was right next to it and set it.

In the perfect angle, it hit the hand of Tendo, who was making a back row attack. He had no blocks infront of him, because they all jumped with the other attackers.

Tendo hit it right on the ground and i heared the whistle blow.

We have won the first set.



Here is another chapter. I hope you enjoyed!

Have a nice Day/Night!

Your A/N

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