Chapter 43

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I set my bag down on the ground and sat down on my bed texting Hoshi that i am home again.

I really didn't want to see my father again but i guess i wouldn't have much of a choise. I would have to meet him anyways, so we better get it over soon.

I spent the next few hours watching TV over the TV in my room and i was also on my phone. My mom brought me some sweets and other food.

When Hoshi sent me the work of the day at some point in the afternoon, so i grabbed my crouches and made my way to my desk to get the work done.

I am barely home and walking on these crouches, when i am already annoyed by them.

I had the work of the first three and started with the work of the last period period finished, when my mom came in.

"Dinner is ready. Do you want to come downstairs or should i bring you something up here?" She asked.

"i will come. I am just going to finish this paragraph." I said and she answered with an "okay".

Normally she would just tell me that lunch is ready. Why did he ask to bring somthing up? It's not like i can't walk anymore or something like that. I can walk perfectly fine, it's just... a little more difficult.

I finished the paragraph and then got the crouches, getting up and walking to the door. I went down the stairs, which is with crouches a lot more difficult, and then in the dining room.

I stood on my crouches in the doorframe, looking at my family.

My father had his head raised and looking at me a little questioning. 

My brother followed the look of my father and looked at me worried till no end.

My mom looked up to me aswell, giving me and encouraging nod and smile.

I walked over to my seat next to my brother and sat down, the crouches right beside me leaning against the table.

"What happened to you?" My brother asked, concern showing in his voice.

"Didn't mom tell you?" I asked.

"She only said, that you are injured and home because of that, but nothing else. So what happened?"

"I got injured during one of my games."

A pejorative snort came from my father but i ignored it while getting myself some food.

My brother asked me out about kinda like everything and i answered his questions as good as i could. My father was most of the time quiet or making a little conversation with mom. She wasn't much diffrent to him, also most time during dinner quiet.

After we all finished, my mother brought everything to the dishwasher and i got back upstaires, finishing the rest of my work.

Just the moment i sat down on my bed again, grabbing the remote of my TV, my brother came in.

"Do you need something?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Time with my twinsister?" His answere came more out like a question that a real answer.

I looked at him. He looked like he really wanted to spent some time with me, so i sighed and made some space for him on the bed, patting on it.

"Then get over here. But don't complain about the movies i want to watch." i said.

He smiled a little. A real smile. Not these creepy other things he sometimes does. He walked over and sat down next to me. 

I started the movie.

(A/N: Choose any movie you want to.)

Barely ten minutes into the film, my brother arms were around my upper body. 

It was normal.

Whenever we are watching a movie together, he always wrapps his arms around me, cuddeling me.

I let him pull me in his lap, which was comfy every single time. His arms were fully wrapped around my upper body and i put my head in the crock of his neck, while his head was on mine in a way. I don't know. It's difficult to discribe but really comfy.

That way, we watched the movie and after that, he went to bed but i stayed up longer because i didn't have anything to do tha next days anyways so i could sleep as long as i wanted to.

~Timeskip to Saturday~

So well, not much happened since i arrived home on Tuesday.

I spent most of the time in my room and my brother came every evening so we could watch a film together.

On Friday, my parents got the information, that they both needed to go to a meeting in a diffrent country that couldn't be anytime else, so they needed to leave from Friday to Sunday.

 My mother was worried to leave me alone but why? By now i can walk perfectly on crouches and i can still take care of myself. And i need, i would just ask my brother.

I managed to conive my mother and they both left Friday afternoon.

Today, after practice, my brother would bring his team over. This is going to be fun. Note the sarcasm.

They would come at around 1 p.m. which is in 5 minutes.

I heared them entering the house and there were a lot of voices saying the the house was really big and stuff like that.

So as far as i know: They are going in the garden most likely in the pool and then in the eveining they are ordering pizza and going to the tiny cinema we had in our house and watching a movie or two or whatever after ordering pizza. They then can either stay here for the night or go back home. We have enough rooms anyways.

They all changed and got into the garden and the pool.

Quick question: How can i don't know like 16-18 year olds be so goddamn loud. I mean: HOW?!?!??!

I took a deep breath and finished the remaining bits of homework and shoolwork of the week before getting my crouches and going downstairs.

I only planned to get me some food and something to drink but i decided to annoy my brother.

But first: food.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I am really sorry for not posting for so long, but here is the new chapter, which i hope, you will enjoy.

Have a nice day/night!

Your A/N

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