Chapter 61

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In the break, i got my water bottle out of my bag and drank a little. I wasn't even sweating the tineist bit, but i didn't want to dehydrat either.

I sat down further away from the rest of the team. I did that once in a while when i needed some peace and time for myself.

I was sitting there, my head hanging forward and in my own thoughts, when a person got closer to me and sat down next to me.

"Why did you never tell me?" They asked.

"Because you never asked." I stated, still not lifting my head.

"But-.." They started but i cut them short.

"But what? What would it change? Nothing. I would still play on this team and we could still possibly play against each other in an official match. It would have changed absolutly nothing." I said while raising my head and staring into these deep, dark blue eyes, that i knew to well.

"I... I could have been prepared." He said.

"Where would have been the fun then?" I asked with a small chuckle.

He broke the eye conteact that we had and looked over to his team and then back at me.

"Does mom know?"

At that question, i turned my head away from him and looked back on the floor.

"Don't think so. She signed the form that allows me to play on a boys team, but she was distracted and i don't think she had actually read the form." I said honsetly.

"She deserves to know!" My brother insisted.

"But she will freak out and tell dad and i really don't need that piece of shit in my life!" I stated, getting more and more angry.

"How dare you call your own father something like that!" He yelled at me while standing up.

"Oh, i am sorry, that you are the favorite child of him and are to blind to notice, how he treats me like shit even though it happens right infront of your eyes! Maybe you should get those checked, because otherwise you could easily mistaken with someone who is blind!" I said and stood up, walking back to my team.

When he tried to grab my arm, i slapped his hand away and continued my way.

When i arrived, i said, still completly angry "Are we going to continue the game or take roots here?"

I simply walked on the field without waiting for ayn instructions through my coach. Out of refelx we all got into our starting line-up, meaning that i was first up to serve.

A damn good way to relieve some of this anger.

Oh, how this bitch of a brother pisses me the fuck off.

I walked to the outlines to serve, while i heared Tendo say to the player from Karasuno "You better not try to receive her serves, because you will break you arms."

Damn right he is.

I got the ball in my hands and saw, that my brother was curretly at the back, so that i exactly where this fucking ball is going.

I threw the ball  up, ran, jumped and hit it with full force at my brother. Short before hitting my brother the ball made a tiny turn to the right and hit the ground right next to my brother.

I saw that the ball left a deep dark mark on the floor and seeing all the cared faces frm the player from Karasuno really gave me satisfaction. Especailly seeing the scared face of my brother.

So that is exactly what i did another four times and my brother was never even the slightest bit able to receive it. Maybe better that way. Because he for sure would have broken a few boned in that attemp.

After force rotating, Karasuno and we made some points, Karasuno mainly thanks to these quick attacks. 

But now i am in front row and this will have an end for sure.

We were by now leading 8:2.

Karasuno served and Yamagata received.  We attacked over Goshiki, but Karasuno, was able to receive it. I was getting ready to block.

I hadan idea, that they would make a minus quick attack, but i decided to still make the normal re-block. I knew, i was able to catch the attach that way aswell.

So when my brother set for the minus quick, i ran and jumped to block. 


The ball hit the ground on the side of Karasuno, no one being able to receive it, not even in their wildest dreams.

The Gym was silent for a second, then my team broke out in celebration, while Karasuno called for a time out.

With that, the rest of the set went by.

Whenever i was up front, i blocked nearly every single spick coming our way. Sometimes alone, somtimes in a double or even triple block.

In the back, i needed to receive sometimes, but that was fine with me. Then Yamagata or anyone else set, most of the time to me, and i would make the point. It was actually fun to outplay a blcok like that. I also got us a lead whenever i was up to serve, so in the end, we won 25:8.

Quite a diffrence to the first set.

Afterwards, we have half an hour to cool down before our next game and in that time, i decided to bring my bag away. Toshi accomponied me.

I brought it to my dorm and put the ised stuff in a basket where someone would come and pick it up, clean it and bring it back. 

My clean stuff was put back into its original place in the wardrobe.

Toshi was standing outside on the dorms balcony, so i joined him.

"You have a really good nice dorm. The view from here is wonderful." He said.

"I can only agree to this." I said, putting my arms down next to him on the fence, leaning on them.

"But not as beautiful as you." He said while turning his head and looking me in the eyes.

"It better. I don't want to lose my boyfriend to my balcony." I said laughing.

He pulled me into a kiss, which i immediatly returned.

Then i heared someone yell from down on the streety between the buildings "Get a room!"

"You are just jealous!" I yelled back down, but i pulled Toshi inside and we shared another kiss, before needing to head back to the Gym to finish the day.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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Have a nice Day/Night!

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